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Lisa's POV

"Fvck!" I cursed the moment I opened my eyes and saw where I am. What's worse? I'm not alone in this huge bed and we're both naked. I tried to remember what happened a while ago but I can't. All I can remember was...is this...


"Hey sexy." I heard a familiar voice greet me.

I froze.



She cutely chuckled after rolling her eyes on me. She's covered by comforter but I know she's naked too.

"I'm Chaeng, Lisa. Sorry for faking my identity." She stated afterwards but I ignore that.

"Did we...?" I can't even say it. I know I'm blushing already.

She look puzzled for a second but when she realized what I'm taking about she grinned.

"When you became this shy Manoban?" She teased.

I'm doomed. What will Jennie say to me?

I didn't speak, I don't even know what to say and maybe she noticed how serious the atmosphere already so she speak again.

She cupped my face.

"Hey! Hey! To be honest, I can't even remember. I'm too wasted myself." She said honestly. That made me relieved even a little. "But...if you want since we're now both sober and it's still midnight, you know you can already claim that round two I promised to you." She added seductively.

In normal situation of course I'll grab this opportunity, but not now or maybe not ever.

I tensed when she scoot closer. She's now straddling my lap.

I gulped.

Even before I can't deny the charisma of this girl, maybe if I known her better before Jennie I might also fall for her but now? All I can't think is my Princess and the possibility that I might lost her because of this.

She's about to lean to capture my lips but I tilt my head.

"What's the problem?" She asked confused.

"I-I'm sorry Chaeng but, but I'm with Jennie now. I-I don't know if something happened to us and, and I can't take the fact that there's a possibility that I cheated on her. I-I can't lose her. I-I love her." I said crying. I covered my face with my both hands.

I felt that Chaeng tensed but cupped my face again and wiped my tears that kept pouring.

"What? You're with my cousin? But she's in a relationship right? With a man?" She asked confused.

"They broke up already." I informed. "Though we're not yet announcing in public that we're in a relationship. Only one colleague of ours is aware of us being a couple." I added.

She look at me intently first before getting up away from my lap.

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