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"I'm sorry,Cyn." N said.
"I choose to keep her. V was killed and I don't want to have anyone else die."
With that,ghost Cyn vanished. N took the time to look at J. She had a blush on her face and... oh god.
N woke up to J cuddling N softly. There was c... (im not typing THAT.) On the floor. "Hey biscuit..."
N said that calmly,as if J wasnt forcing herself to do the deed with N.
J was asleep,but her screen said... [Couple generator... [■■■■ | ]
"You're fucking kidding me!" N said furiously. N started to see the same thing on him. N tried everything to stop it. "There must be a w- nevermind."
Although N hated everything,J did this. And N swore to protect J. What a silly choice he made,but he was 15.
J woke up and saw a bump on her belly,she squealed and woke up N.
"N! N! BABY GET UP!!!"
"I'm pregnant!"
"I didn't do that."
"You did."

Lusted Corporate Retriever (N x Yandare J)Where stories live. Discover now