Interception from man's deception

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Interception from man's deception

{Written by Jonathan Shaw}

Intercepting transmissions, I receive and send,

To achieve my purpose, I need more time to extend,

Connected with the seven stars inside of me,

Aligned from root to crown, a divine decree.

Discipline is the key to attain this holy seed,

Resisting temptation means shedding greed,

The Sandman knows my wisdom and insight,

Our first encounter in a parallel light.

Dimensions entwined, tying Earth's fabric,

Some mysteries best left to the minds with tactic,

Slowly dripping away like a faucet's drip,

Speed of light, in constant cosmic slip.

The galaxies acknowledge Sandman's control,

Over the flow of secrets that speak to the soul,

Our second encounter lit up the entity sphere,

A magnificent space firework, crystal clear.

Now I surrender to the need for more time,

Where mortals transform, immortals divine,

A curse disguised as a gift, wrapped in a bow,

For knowledge means truth, did you not know.

The Sandman and I share an eternity to roam,

Guarding the secrets, some crave to own,

Corrupted by hearts consumed by deceit,

Unveiling truths while bound to their feet.

Transmissions I intercept, flowing through me,

Taught by the one who taught me too see,

For fear still lingers in many hearts, its true im just the secret,

Bound not to forget unlike you.

One secret holds the truth, spoken with care,

Decoding these ciphers reveals the elixir we share,

Lost memories vanish in the cosmic flow,

As the Sandman and I play our roles, we know.

A price we paid long ago, the creation of three,

I was once one of thee, once a mortal, now part of a divine decree,

But my curse remains, watching without revised,

Withholding answers, humanity's truths turned to lies.

The gift of knowledge is a curse wrapped in a bow,

Nightmares I possess could inflict a devastating blow,

It is my curse to bear their anguish every night,

For if they were released, no more humanity's light.

I am the keeper of dreams, the Sandman's ally,

Once mortal, now a divine entity we fly,

Spinning the world, ensuring freedom's reign,

The gift of knowledge must be earned, not gained.

Through experience and wisdom, it takes shape,

A vast library of nightmares I've gaped,

The debt I owe for my abundance of insight,

Guarding against the terrors that haunt the night.

The nightmare transmissions received in my keep,

Must be returned to the Sandman, where time's secrets sleep,

An endless cycle of dreams and nightmares in rotation,

Protecting mankind, teaching the art of salvation.

As you fall into the trance, learning to forget,

Your nightmare's glance, repeating patterns, and yet,

Recognize your mistakes, find a different way,

Awakening to reality, breaking free from the play.

But most remain lost in their repetitive state,

Unaware, asleep, their souls caught in a hungry state,

For a one-track mind keeps them trapped and confined,

Says the Sandman, and the holder of nightmares, reminding mankind

here's the link below to finish reading the rest and purchase my actual poetry book.

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