Chapter 27

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As Jungkook stands at the edge of the building, he watches as the sky begins to lighten. He takes a deep breath as he grips the knife that Namjoon gave him.

"Little brother~" Namjoon shivers in disgust when he hears the haunting voice of his youngest older sister. He quickly spins around and watches as his sister saunters up the stairs to the floor they are on.

"Jungkook, stay with Yejin-ssi." Namjoon tells Jungkook as he protectively steps in front of Yejin.

"What about you?" Jungkook asks as he helps Yejin stand up.

"I will fight her. I can handle her." Namjoon mutters as his sister appears in front of him across the room.

"You can handle me? Really?" She mocks as she spins the gun in her hand. "You have a knife. I have a gun. Haven't you heard to never bring a knife to a gunfight?"

"It doesn't matter that I have a knife and you have a gun. I am more skilled than you." Namjoon hums as he faces his grinning older sister.

"I heard you already killed the oldest of us. I should thank you. That is one sibling less for me to kill." She laughs and points her gun at Jungkook. When she pulls the trigger, Jungkook quickly grabs Yejin and jumps away.

"Tsk. Missed." She pouts and quickly shoots at Jungkook again.

Namjoon quickly lunges at his sister with his knife, ready to plunge into his sister's heart. With a bored sigh, Namjoon's sister quickly avoids his knife; however, Namjoon swings his arm and slices her face.

"You little shit! You know not to touch my face!" She shrieks in anger as blood trickles down her face from the gash on her forehead.

"Then you should not have attacked Jungkook." Namjoon snarls and kicks his sister in the chest.

"It seems that someone has been training ever since he ran away from home like a love-sick puppy." She sneers and throws a dagger at Namjoon as she skids against the dirty floor.

"I'd rather be a love-sick puppy than a heartless bitch like you." Namjoon growls and grabs the dagger his sister threw at him, quickly throwing the dagger back at his sister.

As the dagger flies toward Namjoon's sister, a yellow energy force blocks it. Namjoon quickly leaps to the side when the dagger suddenly flies toward him. When Namjoon lands on the ground, he quickly gets to his feet and faces the witch who is protectively standing in front of his sister.

"Hyung!" Jungkook calls out in warning when he sees a dagger suddenly fly at Namjoon's back.

"Go. Help him. I will be okay." Yejin pushes Jungkook toward Namjoon.

With a quick glance at Yejin, Jungkook rushes to Namjoon's side and stands back to back with him. "I will protect your back. I promise."

"Thank you." Namjoon hums and watches his sister's movements.

"Namjoon-ah, I am not here to hurt you. All that I am here to do is kill the kid and that woman. I thought you wanted that woman dead. Why are you protecting her?" His sister asks as she eyes the woman hiding in the corner.

"I will be the one killing her! She is the one who destroyed my kingdom and killed my wife and unborn child!" Jungkook shouts to get Namjoon's sister's attention. "I will kill her when I deem it fit to kill her!"

"Who is the loud brat you are protecting? Hm?" Namjoon's sister asks as she aims her gun at Yejin.

"That is none of your business!" Jungkook shouts in response as he throws his knife at Namjoon's sister's hand, knocking the gun out of her hand.

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