Secrecy (J x N)

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AsanoKinkishi (AO3) asked:

I would like to see a story about a secret relationship between maid J and butler N.

N swiped some unexistent sweat from his visor, looking at the shining plates he had just cleaned. The work in the Elliot mansion was hard, but N could manage it, in fact, he was one of the best, only behind the most workaholic drone in the place, J. She's always focused on work, never caring about anything that doesn't involve it. The reason is gossiped around drones, no one trully knowing why, but rumors always were made. A dear friend that died due to not working, that she felt the punishment, or that she's just some sort of masochist.

N never trully cared, he just wanted to do his job and not get thrown to the crows. The butler walked to the main room, were he saw some workers cleaning the ground and tables, alongside the bartender enjoying his time, as the night would be hard for him. He continued walking, until he met with a maid he was familiar with.

"Hey V!" He joyfully said, scaring the shy maiden, who nearly fell to the ground. She turned around with shaky hollow eyes, that calmed down seeing the prosecutor of her scare. Her face turning to a tender smile.

"Oh, hello N. I see that you have alredy finished your duty" She said in her cute voice, one that N adored.

"Yeah. I came here to check up on you, but it seems that you still have a job to do" He said, noticing the duster in her hand. V's visor displayed a small blush, but before she said anything, a comanding and angry voice echoed through the corridor.

"N" It said. The two drones quickly turned to look who was callling the butler, only to see the workaholic maid J, walking towards them "Stop wasting others time. They still have to finish their work. Come with me, now" J said, getting close to the butler and grabbing his wrist with force, her face showing clear annoyance.

V extended her hand towards N, but didn't move to catch him, allowing another maid to take him away. Her core hurt seeing him get dragged away like that, but if she wanted to do anything against J, she'd have to improve first. So, with a newfound determination, she returned to her duty, with the objective of finishing as perfectly and as fast as she can, to check up on N.

J was dragging N around the corridors of this seemingly endless manor. The drones who happened to be in the way of the two, watched as they traversed, wondering what was happening. There was always a rumor of the two having some sort of rivalry to see who's the best worker, others said they hated eachother, but none of them expected things to get so heated to the point one of them would actually try something against the other. J noticed that some drones were following her and N, an action she has always despised, believing that if two beings want to be alone, they should be left with the other.

"Can you all stop following us and go back to your work!?" J turned around and screamed to the small crowd of workers, who, after the shout, dispersed around the corridors of the manor, scared of the workaholic maid.

Now alone, the couple of workers walked inside the library, closing the door shut behind them. The maid released the butler's hand and searched around the room, fiding only books and tables, but not a single drone or human, meaning the two were finally alone. She came back to N, that was moving his wrist with care, feeling pain from the strong grip J gave him. The male couldn't react to J pushing him to the ground, making both of them fall to the ground, with the butler hitting his back and head on the wall.

"Ow, couldn't you wait a little more?" He said with a hand on his head from the pain. He looked at the maid, only to see her taking off her apron, a blush being visible under her digital eyes. N could only give a smile to the view of the angel "Judging from how eager you are, I guess not" He joked, making J pout and press both her hands on his chest with force.

"Shut up. Just focus on me and let me do the job" She said in a shyer tone than her normal demeaner, something N found cute.

"Yes Miss. Jaclyn" N said in a seductive tone, sending shivers down J's body. She loved being treated with respect, specially if she was called with a honorific.

J quickly rushed her head towards his, meeting in a passionate kiss. Their mouths embracing eachother, giving an opening for their tongues to dance together, just like the humans did. Dancing around in a romantical moment, feeling the other heat and enjoying the action. N wrapped his arms around J, pushing her towards his body, making her bare chest touch his clothes. J was caressing the butler's back, showing how much she was enjoying their moment.

Suddenly, she stopped and broke the kiss, quickly fixing her apron and getting up. N was left in need. He wanted more, but his other half in the moment had left him, and he ddin't even know why. He was going to ask her the reasons behind her action, but was interrupted when the door of the library opened. V walked inside, seeing the scene of N in the ground with J looking annoyed.

"What happened here?" She asked, scared of what she didn't see.

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