Late Night Cafe Fic

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Today was the day, you were going to get the nerve up to talk to the mysterious man dressed in all black who occasionally came into your late-night coffee shop. He was usually accompanied by what could be students of his but you weren't sure what kind of school allowed their kids to be off campus as much as these kids seemed to be. Tonight he was alone. And coming in fifteen minutes before your shop closed at 3 am. Most coffee shops were open at 5 am and didn't close until 9 or 10 pm but you had the brilliant idea a few years ago to open a coffee shop who's doors opened at 5pm and closed at 3-4 am depending on the day of the week.

"Oh my goodness Y/N you really were a genius to open a coffee shop during the late hours," the mysterious man greeted you the same way he did every time he showed up. You were capable of making casual conversation with him but anything past that and you typically ended up so flustered he would just take his coffee and go.

"You say that every time good sir," you respond as you set down the cup you were cleaning. It wasn't really dirty but you learned a long time ago your bosses weren't being jerks by always making you do something. Customers really did prefer it if the employees were always doing something.

"And I mean it every time! Do I look like the kind of guy who doesn't say what he means or mean what he says?" He tilted his head to the side and you were sure if his eyes weren't covered by that blindfold they would be full of lightness.

"So can I get you your usual? Six shots of blonde espresso in a big cup?" You giggled at this one. It was almost like he had seen a fictional character have this drink and decided that would be his go to from now on.

"That would be great," he stretched out and plopped down on the top of one of the few stools you had at the counter. Most coffee shops didn't allow counter seating but you had found a way to make it work. You worked on getting his espresso ready while you could feel him watching you, though how he could see much of anything with that blindfold on you weren't sure.

"I bet you're wondering how I see with this blindfold on all the time aren't you Y/N?" His question caught you off guard and you nearly dropped his cup. You were a half a second away from completely dropping the cup which was half full of espresso when suddenly another hand was around yours on the cup.

"You've got to be a bit more careful Y/N, don't give yourself third degree burns. Though I might just give anything to see your cheeks stay that brilliant shade of red," his voice was suddenly low, deeper, and absent of his usual playfulness. You realized you must have been blushing. His voice sent a sensation all the way down to in between your legs and you almost moaned. Almost.

"Sorry about that and sorry for thinking about you and that blindfold," you said hastily as the espresso machine finished dispensing the last of the six shots. His hand was still on yours around the cup.

"I'm not accepting that apology. Clearly you only almost scalded yourself because of me launching that question at you unprompted. Though could you do me a favor and move forward a bit?" His voice changed back to that playful tone and you noticed his hand was still on yours around the cup. Without even questioning it you turned the handle on the machine so it would stop dispensing the liquid and stepped forward a step. Your eyes were still fixated on his fingers around yours. Yet you still watched him take his other arm and quickly swipe it though the air.

"There that might help out a bit," he said before finally releasing your hand. You looked up suddenly feeling less nervous. In fact you couldn't remember a time when you had felt as nervous as you had been before. Typically you weren't a shy person. If you wanted something you went out and got it otherwise where would this coffee shop be. Hell in fact it seemed like the only time you had ever been nervous was around this man. But after whatever he had just swatted? It seemed like that nervousness hadn't been your own. There was a smug grin on the man's face and you could feel his eyes on your body underneath the blindfold.

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