Satoru's S/o is having a bad day and he cheers her up

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You kicked the door to your apartment closed behind you and tossed your keys into the bowl on the nearby table where they went. Work had been terrible today. You slipped off your shoes and left them by the front door, before fishing your phone from your little clutch purse, which you also tossed in the bowl with your keys. As you meandered to the couch you scrolled your contacts to find your boyfriend's name. When Gojo, Satoru scrolled up you tapped on it and hit the call button.

"Hello sweet thing, I need just a minute before you can have all of my attention," he answered panting softly. You heard a couple of grunts and the sounds of blows deflecting off of his infinity. You yourself might not be a sorcerer, but your boyfriend did tell you about things after you had been together for a year. Now you were headed towards three years.

"Really Gojo Sensei you're going to answer your phone during a sparring session," you heard Megumi grunt out, but it was a bit muffled through the phone, as his blows deflected off infinity again.

"Yes because it's my amazing girlfriend," Satoru huffed out in a teasing tone and you could imagine him dodging backwards effortlessly on one foot. Sure, you had never seen him fight but he pulled the same dodging technique on you, when he had earned a chastising smack from you and wanted to taunt you more, instead of letting your blow deflect off of infinity. You smiled as you flopped down onto your couch, but the day you had had filled your mind and that smile quickly disappeared.

"Alright darling I'm all yours now," Satoru said his voice a bit lower but much steadier than before.

"I've had a really bad day. The boss rejected my presentation on how to move forward with the new project and accepted stupid Kaito's proposal instead. Which was basically a direct rip off of mine, with like three things changed," you said as you tossed an arm over your eyes. If it had been anyone other than your rival it wouldn't have hit this hard, but he had decided to sink to a new low this time.

"Oh, I'll be there in a few minutes. My girl needs cheering up," he said and you could almost see his face behind your closed eyes. The way his nose scrunched up with effort as he realized he was going to be teleporting that far.

"Okay but I'm warning you now, I'm not in the mood for sex," you sighed.

"And who said it was going to be about sex. I do have a side that isn't just pure sex," he cooed into the phone. You shook your head and giggled a little bit.

"Oh, we both know it's still 80% of what you think about," you teased back to him.

"Ouch baby girl that hurt. Also knock knock I'm here," he said at the same time as two knocks sounded on your front door. You pushed off the couch and shook your head again. A few minutes my ass, you thought.

"Damn teleporting sorcerer," you teased again before hanging up and pulling the door open.

"You know you love that I can teleport, don't deny it," he teased back as he pushed into your apartment, only just stepping inside the hallway. His hands swiped your keys from the bowl where they stayed and he smiled widely. It wasn't often he wore sunglasses, but today seemed like one of those rare days. He pulled them down his nose just enough that you could see his sparkling eyes over the tops.

"Go put on something less formal and then we are going out," he explained as he dangled the keys from his finger and leaned against your still open door.

"Satoru darling, I don't want to go out. I wanna cuddle and watch bad TV and eat junk," you whined and he just smiled more.

"Nope. I'm taking you on a date so go get changed and no more objections," he said firmly.

"Ugh fine but close my door, you're letting my ac out," you said as you turned to head for your room. Once inside you opened your closet and dug through your clothes. It was a warm summer day, so you were stuck deciding between a red sundress and a blue one, when you heard a cough from behind you.

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