Return to privet drive

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The Hogwarts Express sped through the English countryside, alone in a solitary compartment. Althea Dorea Potter mulled over the past year.

The whole stupid heir of Slytherin thing had only resulted in isolation and the discovery of a bitter truth, Hermione and Ron had never been her friends but Dumbledore's spies. Dumbledore who had left her at the dursleys and prevented her from leaving privet drive. Hell, Althea hated the old idiot but she couldn't do anything other than keep quiet. Hogwarts was the only way to escape from the hellish life her "relatives" subjected her to.

If Dumbledore thought she was a good little lamb, well he was very wrong, if there was one thing she had learned from living in hell it was to be underestimated, keep her grades low, hide in the library where she took refuge to escape from Dudley and his gang and in the meantime swallow as much knowledge as possible. She had also started studying various languages including italian and japanese (she didn't know why but she always had the feeling it would be useful to her) exactly what had she done since the first day and she had discovered many things, how to detect and remove tracking spells for example, she had discovered runes and how to use them with words or a drop of blood as to not openly use magic during spells, it is quite useful she has always been intelligent she had just learned to keep it well hidden.

While she was thinking her gaze fell on the bracelet she couldn't remove a thin white gold chain only it wasn't a chain in reality it was Godric Gryffindor's sword which had changed shape upon contact with the strange orange flames she had used to kill Quirrell, Dumbledore could say what he wanted but Althea knew she had killed him. How many nights she'd been woken by nightmares that still tormented her.

There had not only been bad things, the past year had discovered several incredible things, first of all Hedwig wasn't simply and owl she was part phoenix and she had all it's powers healing tears, incredible strength and a very long life, but the most incredible surprise had come from the sorting hat, Godric Griffindor was her ancestor and had the same flames, which is why the sword had bonded to her and changed shape into a thin and slightly curved sword that was perfect for her hand, and then the bracelet that no one seemed to notice when Ginny had recovered and Althea had decided to hide it. All this had been explained to her by the sorting hat who had reassured her that Godric's ancient spells prevented Dumbledore from discovering what he had told her and Althea was very grateful for this since she had lost all trust in the headmaster, when hidden under the invisibility cloak to replace the old hat that had been brought to her by Hedwig she had discovered the double crossing of those she believed to be her friends.

Her arm still stung a little from where the basilisk had bitten her, the poison would have killed her if Hedwig hadn't treated her, seeing her rub her arm Hedwig perched on her shoulder and started to ruffle her hair, talking about hair she had discovered a particular thing , she could change her hairs length and color but she hadn't told anyone this, after all having an ace up her sleeve is always useful. She could finally have long hair without Aunt Petunia cutting it, but at that very moment it started to get shorter she didn't want it to be discovered after all.

She began to change and put all her things in her trunk along with Hedwig's cage (it was only for show, Althea hated the idea of caging her flying queen) then she shrank her luggage keeping only a backpack for herself which she enchanted to be bottomless, she handed it to Hedwig and opened the window so she could fly towards privet drive. "Be careful chick, i don't trust those three at all" Hedwig sighed, "i will Hime, have a good flight" replied Althea. One cool thing about having a phoenix for a familiar is that you can talk to it telepathically, although Althea couldn't understand why she was always called chick.

In short everything was changing even if she had no idea how much.

Squalo Superbi still couldn't believe the news boss told all of his guardians a couple months earlier, when he summoned them to his office where Mammon had locked them inside and sealed the room with his flames and the fact he did it without payment the other guardians began to worry.

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