Fifty four

12 1 0

They sat together by the fireplace in a serene silence, the crackling of the flames providing a comforting background to their shared moment. The warmth of the fire enveloped them, casting a soft glow across the room as they savored the tranquility of the evening. Despite the stillness, there was an undeniable energy between them, an unspoken connection that bound them together in this moment of quiet intimacy.

Salvator's gaze met Violate's as she asked timidly, her curiosity evident. He considered her question for a moment before replying, his tone calm yet enigmatic.

"I have my ways of knowing things," he replied cryptically, a hint of amusement dancing.

Violate remained quiet, respecting Salvator's peace as they sat by the fireplace. She didn't press further on the topic, content to bask in the tranquility of the moment they shared. Instead, she allowed herself to simply be present, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the company of Salvator in peaceful silence.

''when do you know about this animal shelter?''he asks with his cold voice.

Salvator's question cut through the tranquil atmosphere with its coldness, causing Violate to tense slightly. She hesitated before responding, sensing the seriousness in his tone."I've known about the animal shelter for a while now," she replied cautiously, choosing her words carefully. "I've always had a passion for animals and wanted to help however I could."

"I discovered the animal shelter when I rescued a puppy from an accident. I took it there for care, and that's how I became familiar with the place. Before my current job, I used to work there," she explained, her voice tinged with timidity.

Salvator's demeanor softened slightly as Violate explained, her words carrying a hint of timidity. He nodded, seeming to consider her response.

"I see," he replied, his voice losing some of its coldness. 

"Why do you seem to care more for animals than for humans?''

There was a subtle shift in his tone, indicating a slight thaw in his demeaner as he acknowledged Violates actions.

 "I suppose I feel a deeper connection with animals," she responded timidly, her voice barely above a whisper. she was confuse to answer but mange to answer.

"Are you planning on recruiting the animal kingdom to overthrow humanity, Violate?" Salvator mockingly quipped, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

violate blink at his question shock that he just made a joke. a small smile appear on her lips and the tension between then some how released.


"Is your lover's best friend jealous of your furry friends like she was before?" Salvator added, his gaze fixed on Violate, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Violate tensed at Salvator's question, the implications sinking in. She knew why he was probing about her past, but she didn't have a clear answer to his inquiry about her best friend's feelings. The uncertainty left her feeling vulnerable and unsure of how to respond.

"I honestly don't know why she acted like that," Violate murmured, her gaze fixed on the floor. She had accepted Salvator's apology, but the wounds of the past still weighed heavily on her. She couldn't forget everything that had transpired between them, and while she was aware of J's possessiveness, she couldn't comprehend the extent to which it had led to harm.

Her heart ached as she reflected on J's apparent disregard for her well-being, realizing that J seemed more focused on controlling her life than genuinely caring for her. The realization stung, leaving Violate feeling betrayed and vulnerable.

"But I know why she created the drama," Salvator stated, his voice calm as he moved towards his bookshelf. Violate seemed to notice it just now, her attention drawn to him as he spoke.

"She's in love with you, Violate," Salvator's voice held a cold edge, tinged with irritation that Violate seemed to overlook. His words hit her like a bolt of lightning, shocking her to the core.

"No, that can't be true. She's never reacted like that before. Maybe she's just a little worried about me," Violate mumbled, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she tried to rationalize the situation in her mind.

"Are you sure about that, Violate? She seemed quite possessive and intense during that encounter," Salvator questioned, his tone laced with skepticism as he probed Violate's perspective on the situation.

"I... I don't know. Maybe she was just concerned. It's hard to believe she'd feel that way about me," Violate replied, her voice filled with doubt and confusion.

"Do you believe her possessiveness drove her to drug you so you wouldn't run away?" His question caused a pang of pain in her chest.

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