14. Hearst On The Line: Part 4

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[a]Real_Sabrina_Hearst: #HearstOnTheLine is now a-go! Coming to a town near you. #HearstInTheUK

[a]Torrid: [a]Real_Sabrina_Hearst #HearstInTheUK So excited you are doing your own tour!

[a]Tori_Chica: [a]Real_Sabrina_Hearst aren't you the best?! HearstInTheUK

[a]Toure_UK: [a]Sabrina_Loves_Me and I want a follow from this angel [a]Real_Sabrina_Hearst she's a vision.

I was going to Dublin for my next show. It was raining as the black car drove me from the airport. Yes, my tourbus couldn't pick me from the airport and I was quite okay with that. Hailey was seated next to me, tapping away on her phone as she stayed in touch with the stage manager.

I was nervous, but happy too. Siva was already in Dublin, and his mum had texted to lure me to their home with roasted potatoes and steak and some Irish food. I knew it'd be delicious, and I found myself salivating as I replied to her text in the affirmative.

Siva would be there.

I couldn't stop thinking about him. I loved him so much, and it felt right being with him. When he held me close, I couldn't help smiling. When he made funny faces at me, and poked fun at me, I found it cute. When he kissed me, the world ceased to exist. His fingers left goosebumps in their wake anytime he touched me.

I didn't know what was better: loving him, or being in love with him.

As I mused about him, my phone beeped, indicating a message.

From Zayn:
I am sorry about being an a** to you.

I sighed. Was I to accept his apology? I didn't believe he could apologize for that. He probably wanted something. Or maybe he was going to apologize for real.

To Zayn: what do you want from me.

It wasn't long before he texted me back. I did not have a good feeling about this. Why would he text me when he knew I was going to Dublin. Was he... already here?

From Zayn: I wanna apologize. I am serious. I'll leave you alone after that. Yeah?

I stared at his text before pressing the panic button to go home on my phone screen. I didn't know what to think, so I was gonna let it go.

Siva's mum welcomed me warmly when I got out of the car. The umbrellas really didn't help in this weather. Siva was out visiting a friend, so we had the house to ourselves. Hailey stayed within the living room, throwing logs of firewood into the chimney where a nice warm fire kept the room warm.

Despite Shelley and I being on good terms, I found myself waiting eagerly for Siva to come back. He was, after all, the reason I was visiting.

"He will be home soon, you know you should get a tour of this house when he gets back."

I watched Shelley as she stirred the broth and smiled at the heavenly smells that soon brought Hailey into the kitchen. Potatoes were baking in the oven. The herbs the steak was coated In made my stomach rumble. I was too hungry to think straight.

So, to curb my reckless appetite, I went up to Siva's room. It was purple in colour, or it had a purple theme. I looked around his stuff, before finding myself touching things I wasn't supposed to touch. Like his photo frames, his clothes, his cologne...

I walked into his bathroom to see what he'd been hiding. There was nothing worthwhile. Siva was an organized man, and that much had so far been seen both at his apartment and in hotel rooms. He didn't chastise me on my chaotic orders. My stuff was organized but there were times I would mess it all up and dump everything on the bed.

My mum had stopped getting insulted and Instead spent time laughing her head off when that happened. She took it in her stride, the same way a musician took a sore throat in hers.

I came back to the kitchen to see if I could help. Siva's mum urged me not to sweat it.

"You are tired. Touring is not for the weak ones. Now, please go lie down!"

As I walked out of the kitchen, I saw Hailey raiding the fridge. She was looking for banana fritters. I shook my head and walked back up the stairs quietly.

Siva's room drew me in, but his bed made me stay. I got on it and stripped down to my top and jeans. I wanted to wear his clothes but I changed my mind.


I must have been asleep for hours.

Better wake up then.

With that in mind, my eyes slowly fluttered open. I took in the surroundings. The room was dark, but the bedside lamp was on. I already knew who did that.

As if to prove me right, the door opened and he entered. It was dark but I knew it was him. I could smell his cologne. I could hear him breathe, and when he stepped closer, I could see his silhouette getting replaced by an actual body.

"Sabby, you're awake!"

I stretched as he put the tray down. I saw dinner and instantly felt guilty.

"I amso sorry..."

"Shush! I know you are worried. Don't be. Mum wanted you to lie down. She sent me up with your dinner though."

"Where's yours?" I asked quietly, looking at his bright eyes.

"Don't worry," he smiled teasingly, "you look tasty."

"SIVA!" I said hitting his hand. He laughed before telling me how his mum was so sure I had woken up. Turns out she was right. Was it psychic powers, or was she a nurse, like me?

I went to shower before eating. Siva wanted to come with, but I dashed into the bathroom and shut the door before he could have that chance.

"There's still tomorrow morning," he teased.

"Still not happening!"

I took a quick and refreshing shower, before drying myself and heading into his room. He had laid out a shirt of his and a pair of his boxers.

I looked at the shirt, fingering the material. It felt exactly like the one Siva gave me when Nolan attacked me. I found myself smelling the fabric and was delighted to catch a whiff of his cologne.

I slid the underwear on, before pulling his shirt over my head. It was just in time too, because a few seconds later, Siva came up with dessert.


"Are you okay?"

"You didn't knock. What if I was naked?!"

He smiled at me, putting down the pastry before coming towards me. "Then I would kiss you senseless after getting you your towel."

Our eyes were boring into each other when I felt him gently hook an arm around my waist and pull me closer. My cheeks got hot and I blushed at how close we were.

"I'll never get used to this."

"This what?"

"You. Me." His eyes moved from mine to our chests against each other. "I quite like this. And you blushing makes it even of more worth to me."

He lowered his head to kiss me just as my stomach grumbled loudly. I blushed even harder. Siva gave me a knowing look before leading me to the bed. I got comfortable as he opened the covered bowls on the tray.

"Bon appetit!" he said with a smile. I giggled and dug in as he turned on the lights and went about putting away stuff. He looked so perfect standing there.

He was perfect.

Afterwards, he took my dishes downstairs. When he came back, I was already cuddled in bed. He pulled a sleepy me into the warmth of his embrace and we fell asleep.


Dublin was beautiful in winter. It was cold but beautiful. Siva took me out to sight-see and we ended up going skating. There was a place that cleared for that purpose.

I thought it'd be easy. Turns out movies lie. Alot.

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