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I kept an eye on Matt during the party, and I noticed he didn't drink one single sip of alcohol, and  always had a cigarette on his lips, but never lit it.

I lost him at some point and I told Ashley I'd go get some air.

I walked around the triplet's house and found him sitting on a bed, where, I guessed, was his room.

He saw me peeking through the small space between the door and the frame and he quickly came out, closing the door behind him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you, I needed some air and I took a walk around the house, it's nice," I smiled looking around.

He looked at me confused, like waiting for me to explain something more.

"I'm y/n" I smiled.

He still looked lost.

"Ashley's friend? Nick tried to hook up with her brother" his expression changed.

"Ooh, my bad, I couldn't tell," he said approaching me a little bit. "You look...  hotter" he unconciously (or not so much) licked his lips.

"I turned eighteen" I smiled, leaning slightly closer to him.

He raised his eyebrows as if that fact was interesting to him.

"Sooo, you were in your room, right?" I put my arms behind my back and moved my body weirdly, not knowing what to do.

"Yeah, wanna check it out? It's pretty simple" he shrugged and opened the door.

It was messy but cute.

He had soft blue LED lights that made the room more comfortable to be in.

When we were both inside he looked at me from the door and asked "Can I lock it?" like making sure I wouldn't run away.

I nodded, still holding my arms behind my back.

He calmly sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hands behind him, almost inviting me.

I slightly approached him and he held a hand out, reaching for mine.

I placed my arms at the sides of my body and he grabbed my hand, gently pulling me towards him.

I lowkey stopped and he whispered "Mind sitting on my lap?" he was being far too polite.

I chuckled and did so, my skirt completely moving up revealing what was under it.

"Sorry" I answered trying to pull it back down.

"It's ok" he grabbed my hands to stop them.

I was going to kiss him when he asked "Did you drink?"

"No" I whispered. I meant it, I didn't drink just so I could be completely conscious about whatever would happen.

Then I leaned to kiss him again.

No need to specify where his hands were, but mine were on his neck, pulling him as close as I could.

He had such a gentle way of touching me, like making sure he wasn't pushing me to do anything.

"Want me to play some music?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I like hearing you" I whispered, kissing his neck and making my way under his shirt with my hands, feeling him shiver.

He was making small noises like heavy breathing and slightly grunting and he was making me crazy.

For some seconds my mind went somewhere else, and I started thinking how I was already eighteen, and I was responsible for my own actions, even if my parents didn't think so.

I snapped out of it when Matt leaned back and placed me on top of him.

18 - Matt SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now