(1998) Powerpuff Girls: MJ's Revenge(Enemies and Controls)

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Princess Morbucks, Spoiled Entitled Brat(Morbucks Mansion)

Maids- These are just harmless workers trying to work, so don't interrupt their job.

Butlers- Stooges that serve the Morbucks family to the bitter end, but aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.

Golden Warriors- Gifts given to Princess by Queen Morbucks, and meant for protection, but secretly reprogrammed to destroy any threat to Princess.

Princess Morbucks- Just a brat with expensive technology that wants to be a superheroine, but a counter to the Powerpuffs in some way.

The Amoeba Boys, Pathetic Germs(Sanitation Lab)

Sentient Mold- Mold that has grown outside of the lab, but somehow got in and now has infected most of the lab.

Unknown Robots- Robots made by a unknown figure that wants revenge on the people of Townsville.

Amoeba Boys- Useless villains that once infected the whole city of Townsville through a virus, and learned how to multiply by accidentally splitting an orange.

Ace/The Gangreen Gang, Teenage Criminals(Townsville Dump)

Garbage Monsters- Monsters that take on the form of garbage to throw pieces of themselves at you.

Unknown Robots- Robots made by a unknown figure that wants revenge on the people of Townsville.

Ace- Leader of the Gangreen Gang, this teenage criminal throws punches like you won't believe.

The Gangreen Gang- Friends of Ace that follow whatever he does, but never go to school, except for going to Pokey Oaks.

???, Robotic Mastermind(Industrial Park)

Construction Men- Men in construction that dash straight at the Powerpuffs because of the repair to the city every day.

Twin Claws- Claws made by Construction Men to pick up and throw boxes into the air.

Unknown Robots- Robots made by a unknown figure that wants revenge on the people of Townsville.

???- A commander of the robots that attack Townsville, and has served its' creator for a few decades.

Mojo Suit, Armored Suit(Downtown Townsville)

Mojo Drones- Drones made by Mojo Jojo to damage the City of Townsville.

Unknown Robots- Robots made by a unknown figure that wants revenge on the people of Townsville.

Mojo Suit- A new and improved suit inspired by a new ally in Townsville, which can attack with projectiles.

Fuzzy Lumpkins, Banjo Loving Countryman(Townsville Forest)

Lumpkins- Relatives of Fuzzy that attack when angry.

Mojo Drones- Drones made by Mojo Jojo to damage the City of Townsville.

Fuzzy's Nephews- These little Lumpkins can be quite the trouble, and annoy anyone in sight.

Fuzzy Lumpkins- A creature that loves his banjo and attacks with brute strength.

Roach Coach, Cockroach Leader(Cockroach Tower)

Cockroaches- Simple creatures that can't die normally, so avoid them.

Unknown Robots- Robots made by a unknown figure that wants revenge on the people of Townsville.

Cockroach Army- Personal servants of Roach Coach that keep on flooding the room until you attack.

Roach Coach- The leader of the cockroaches that can fuse with his subjects at will to make creatures composed of cockroaches.

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