Chapter 17

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"Is she asleep?" Jungkook whispered while looking at you and then back to Soojin who was sleeping soundly with her little arms wrapped around her favourite plushie toy.

"I think so..." you murmured in reply and Just pulled you by your forearm indicating that it was time to leave the child alone in her room.

Both you and Jungkook tip toed out of  the room and gently closed the door behind to avoid the slightest noise that might wake up the sleeping child.

You two had quite a tough time in making her fall to sleep. Bed time stories about princesses, lullabies, you two had to try everything to achieve your goal and it was a tedious work which had made both of you exhausted.

You dropped your body on the sofa beside Jungkook who had already passed out.

"Keeping a child isn't an stuff" he remarked while looking up at you as a slight smile played on his face.

You nodded your head in response as he proceeded "I wonder how sister keeps up with Soojin"

"Yeah, it is tough being a Mom" you uttered and looked at Jungkook who was looking at you intensely.

"You will make a good one though" he giggled and you frowned. "You love kids, I have seen".

There was silence in the room for sometime when Jungkook suddenly popped up with a playful smirk on his face. "I think you should thank me" he was on a mood of playing.

"And why should I thank you?" you questioned while arching your eyebrows and looking at him with mere confusion clearly showing on your face which made Jungkook chuckle.

"I helped you in keeping that brat for so long" he concluded while bending down with his cheeks cupped on his palm and elbow resting on his tigh.

"Oh really?" you rolled your tongue and scoffed. "I could have taken her care all by myself" you implied which made the boy straighten his posture.

"Oh really" he mimicked after you disbelieving in what you said.

"Yes of course. When she was alone with me she was being a good child, but the moment she saw you, she started her tantrums" you replied while raising an eyebrow and crossing your arms across your chest.

"So it's all my fault now?" Jungkook got up and stood in front of you with his hands on his waist.

"I never said that" you protested.

"You did, instead of saying one simple thank you, you just blamed the whole thing on me" he replied, highly dissapointed if your comment.

"Okay, I am sorry. And thank you so much for helping me Mr. Jeon Jungkook" you chimed, just to satisfy Jungkook who according to you was acting like a child for a thank you.

"Apology accepted! And you are welcome" he smiled delightfuly and took his seat beside you on the sofa.

He took his phone out of his pocket and double tapped it on the screen to unlock while you looked at it with amazement.

"No password?!" you slightly exclaimed and he laughed.

"Yup I am like an open book my girl" he replied. "I have nothing to hide from the world"

"It's not about hiding, it's about keeping your personal information safe" you implied and he raised his phone to show its back.

"It has a finger print lock babe. Do you really think that I am that stupid?" he squinted his eyes at you and looked at the other way without replying.

He called you babe...

Yes he did, just like Taehyung but you didn't react because he was not Taehyung, he was Jungkook and maybe that's why you didn't feel weird. You somehow liked to hear that statement from his mouth, it made your heart flatter, but why? You didn't have an answer for that.

You shyly looked down at your hands when you felt Jungkook's arm around your shoulder as he pulled you closer to him.

At first you were shocked and thought that he did that purposely to flirt with you but when you turned your head and saw him typing something on his phone with his gaze fixed on it, you concluded that it was just an unmindful and friendly act.

He was constantly looking at his phone while his hand hung around your shoulder and body closer to yours. You felt comfortable and you didn't know why.

A slight curve appeared on your lips when you stared closely at his face. Your eyes moved slowly from his forehead, to his eyes, to his nose and then to his full lips making out a clear outline of him.

There was silence throughout the whole room and your heart began to flatter. Your heart started jumping on your rib cage for the boy sitting next to you.

"I am hungry would you like something to eat-" Jungkook broke the silence and suddenly looked up at you, striking you with embarrassment when he caught you staring at him. You shifted your gaze from him as quickly as possible and looked down at your toes.

Jungkook couldn't even finish his sentence and stopped in between with his lips forming an 'o'.

He gazed over your cute doll face and red tinted cheeks. He liked it. He liked seeing you being embarrassed in front of him, it just added more to your cuteness.

But he felt annoyed, he couldn't get enough of that cute face of yours because of the loose strand of hair that fell on your beautiful face obstructing him from seeing it. He felt his hand move by his own up to your face and tucking the loose strand of hair behind your ear.

Although he was a playboy, Jungkook never messes up with girls like you, because girls like you were lovable and addicting. Their cuteness and innocence is dangerous for playboys like him who don't like commitment. And Jungkook who was at the perks of being one such hoe should have stayed a thousand meters away from you but he couldn't repel you.

Your cuteness, your innocence, your blushes, your everything had started taking over his mind and now he wanted to have you like the other girls.

Your cheeks burned when you thought about the idea that Jungkook might have made about you in his mind after your constant staring at him. But little did you know that Jungkook was not the type of boy you are thinking him to be. Jungkook was the devil in disguise of an angel.


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