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The sereneness of the day flashes before us. The wind meticulously brushes our skin, and the serenity surrounding us suggests that the environment is with us as Jennie and I prepare to exchange vows. The invited guests have already arrived, my family members have assembled in front, and Haruto is standing by me. I cast my eyes around, expecting to spot Jackson. I wasn't expecting him, but he proved me wrong. I spotted him sitting in the very last row of the seats. He was free to stay wherever he chose, as long as he attended.

My attention shifted to the girls, and I nearly burst into laughter when I noticed how effusive they were. Guys, come on. You're overly dramatic about this. This is just a setup. I was shaking my head when the entrance music began, forcing me to fix my stance as Haruto stepped closer to me.

"Here comes your beautiful bride, noona. I'm so glad you both decided to give yourselves a second chance. And now you're about to marry her." Haruto whispered. But, I wasn't really paying attention to him since I was fazed with Jennie's beauty.

Her white gown revealed how delicate her skin was. Her model-like pose was now gently moving towards me. I was excited to see her beauty up close. I'm sure she'd make my jaw drop open if I saw it. I never intended to cry, but I couldn't control my emotions. So this is what it's like to marry someone precious to you. This is how we should have felt if we had not broken up and continued our lives together. I can picture myself becoming really emotional if this marriage is true and still has feelings linked to it. However, the situation has changed.

Emotions spread throughout my face and body. It now appeared to be a genuine sensation for both of us because she was emotional as well when she reached in front. I softly took her hand and hugged his father. As expected, I was astounded by Jennie's beauty. She truly is a gorgeous woman. I guided her as we were about to begin the ceremony.

My father's final will came to fruition when Jennie and I exchanged vows and wore our rings. My inner self is pleased and filled with determination. I'm coming, whoever is responsible for my father's death. I'll get rid of everyone who is involved and is mismanaging my father's firm. And, even though I'm not as vocal as I once was, I swear to protect the woman in front of me, who decided to marry me only to complete my father's final task. I will protect you, Jennie.

The crowd cheered, and claps can be heard throughout the venue when we finally kissed, sealing our marriage.

"Now you're a Manoban." I whispered to her as we broke our kiss. My right hand is still on her face.

"I know. I'll be a good Manoban until our agreement concludes." Jennie answered back and smiled at me. Her eyes were on mine, and I felt like I was encased in her gaze, so I pulled her again and kissed her softly.

"Slow down, guys! It's not yet your honeymoon!" Jisoo shouted, making everyone laugh.

Jennie and I both giggled as we parted our lips, Jisoo is really a hyper person when it comes to us. We happily faced everyone and waved to all of them, like a real happily wedded couple. No one could ever distinguish it since some of our relatives and other friends knew that we had a past relationship. This will go smoothly, I presume.

Following the ceremony, we proceeded to our reception destination. Everyone went to their assigned seats, and the attendants were really helpful. I also dispatched some of our agents to protect the area. I know it's an invitation-only wedding, but just in case someone sneaks in, we have reinforcements. I also handed them a list of the invited visitors and their images. I'm confident they'll notice if there's an intruder.

"Congratulations, Lisa and Jennie!" Jisoo came running towards us and gave us a tight hug. Of course, Jisoo would be the one to greet us.

"Calm down, Jisoo. At least save your energy. This wedding is a setup. Act this way soon if Jennie marries someone else in the future. A real marriage." I mumbled to her, but Jisoo huffed and clicked her tongue.

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