A new beginning

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                      * A new beginning *

(A notification sounds in Bervely's phone and this makes him open his brown eyes). It was a Sunday morning, Bervely is laying on the bed of his small apartment...« oh my GOD ! My head » Bervely exclaims why taking his phone by the bedside ( a blue phone with three cameras behind) «oh my head !» Bervely exclaims once more, then lays back his head on his bed looking at the white ceiling of his room.(Bervely's apartment is small just for one or two people, but is always looking good and clean. One small parlour, a little Kitchen, a small bathroom and a small but a little spacious sleeping room this is where Bervely finds peace of mind making one with his aura).

 One small parlour, a little Kitchen, a small bathroom and a small but a little spacious sleeping room this is where Bervely finds peace of mind making one with his aura)

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*Bervely's apartment*

(In his mind, Bervely think's about his childhood which was not really alike to a fairytale).
In a family of four, Bervely is the last born. His mom separated from his dad when he was just six years. Why ?, Because of the violent nature of his dad, this has been occurring since ever Bervely was still a baby. The violence of men against women was the first order of the day in those past days in Brooksy town and just like in some parts of the world even still date. Bervely has two older sisters, the two first born of the family of course they're twins. Followed by an older brother called Tyler, if we can say a symbol of maturity and gentleness. Bervely had more complicity with his older Brother Tyler than with his sisters Genna and Ginna . Even the fact that Bervely is gay never affected his brotherhood with his brother Tyler. Since Sophia separated from his Dad, Bervely never set his eyes on him anymore except on the celebration of his graduation day But no word was said, Beverly never really had affection for his Dad compared to Sophia his mom in which he had all the love in his heart. Sophia a young black woman in her 50ths is Bervely's mom, She is a beautiful black woman with long frizzy black hairs which look alike to Bervely's own. " Bae " is the way Sophia secretly called Bervely since the day of his coming to the world and this never changed still his adolescence to his adulthood.

(A notification from Bervely's phone makes him pick his phone from the bed ) it was a notification from the green app saying.... a school forum was just created by Doctor J Samantha, and Bervely was added ( pimmm!) a message from Doctors J Samantha which says « Halo ! Dear students 🤍 hope you'll are doing great ? This is the official forum for all the students of the Health faculty ( pediatrie ) here we shall study during extra periods and for better understanding we shall all collaborate so as we shall all obtain the best out of each and everyone, no joke or useless discussion are allowed here hope we will all benefit).»... ( Bervely feels amazed by this message from Doctor J Samantha) « this is a great idea, thank you so much. Hope we shall all collaborate as you said » (replies Bervely, Pimmm! A message from an unknown contact with pseudo E . George replying to Bervely in the forum) « yeah I hope too, thank you Doctor J Samantha » Pimmm! A second message still from the unknown contact but now in Bervely's DM « Hey !it's George how're you doing Bervely? » Bervely opens to the chat trying to look the profile picture « wow like your profile look amazing »( this is the second message from the unknown contact) Bervely look at his phone with à surprised face ( because the person on the profile picture was no one else than George his classmate ) Bervely could easily recognize his handsome face And body especially his brown handsome regard. ( A little embarrassed) « hey Eliot how're you doing ?» Bervely replies « thank you I'm doing great hope you too ?» (George response), the two men start chatting for almost an hour now ( a call entering Bervely's phone which sounds in a soft way) it was Sophia, Bervely's over protective mom ( Bervely smiles and pick up the call ) « Hey bae ! How're you doing my heart ? It's been two days you didn't check on your lovely mom, I got worried » Sophia says « oh mama it feels so good to hear your lovely voice, sorry I didn't call you just I had to pack and fix some remaining things in my new apartment you know mama with the University, my studies and everything sometimes I may feel exhausted » Bervely responds « no problem bae, you know your mama loves you right ? Do you follow your studies normally I know you're very intelligent but still need to ask and Tell me what about Roosevelt did you meet him at the University? His mama is worried too»...« yes ma ! Don't worry i follow all my studies normally it's very amazing to learn from Dr J Samantha don't worry about that mama, oh yes ! I saw him on the first school day at the faculty of technology you know he studies computer science right ?» Bervely asks « okay bae  understood, I know you always make me proud of having you as my son I trust in you . It's good you both met it's your friend and you need to be friends university separate's many people you know, because you would start knowing many different people. Tell me any new lover ? I know you're too attractive for people not to date you, just remember what I told you about love you just have to make the good choice » Sophia tells Bervely with a soft voice « Oh mama ! Why would you always try to know about my love situation ? I told you I don't need love right now mama» Bervely responds ...« sorry I'm sorry my love ,what about Roosevelt ?»....« oh mama ! How can you say that ? First Roosevelt is heterosexual and even if he was gay I don't think I have any feeling for Roosevelt he is just a childhood friend you know ? He loves girls and let me not tell you what he used to tell me about his various girlfriends I've always been the lonely guy and I'm used to it I don't want people to love me for my physical appearance I want someone who can love me for who I am, do you understand mama hope it's alright ? » replies Bervely « Okay bae I'm sorry forgive your mama I just care about you honey because I just want you to be happy but aren't you sure you have a crush on somebody Bervely I know when you're hiding me something »...«no mama I'm not hiding anything ( Bervely suddenly thinks about George) love you later mama I have to take a shower »...« bye sweetheart mama love you 🤍» Sophia says ending the call.

(A second call entering but this time around it's George face that appears on Bervely's phone's screen) .« Halo Bervely it's George »...«hey George how hmmmm yeah I'm listening to you »...« just wanna know if you're a little free to meet me please I wanna know if you can make me visit Moonly town since I'm new here» asks George « oh okay I you like I'm free, at which time and where ?»...« oh where ?» asks George stupidly «I'm asking where would you like us to so as I can make you visit Moonly town »... « okay at the time you would like, Can I come and take you with my car ?» asks George « yeah I would send you my address (smiling) I think I'm free from 12 o'clock »... «Okay babe (shocked) oh sorry Bervely for calling you of such just at times your name confuses my tongue »...«hmmm okay George later » (drops off the call) « what the f**k is his problem calling me babe ? Ha ! I can't fall in love (Bervely is talking to his self ) is he gay ? Noo no no i don't think so maybe he's just one of these heterosexuals who love playing with gays hmmm how ever I can let him be my friend ( with a smile ) it would be better ».

Bervely finally get out of bed to the bathroom singing in karaoke the songs he loves. George on his side is gradually realizing he is in love with Bervely something he never prepared yo happen but what can he do ? He is in a dilemma of not knowing if Bervely is gay or not rather if he has to declare his love to Bervely the worst is if Bervely rejects him even if he is gay this is what our dear George is actually going through. Everything went so fast that confusion is flying in George's head because our dear friend is already thinking about what everyone may think when your soul starts demanding the love your mind think's about all the time. Counting the seconds, George dresses in a charming manner and in front of his room's mirror tries to bring out all his natural charms to thier extreme revelation waiting for the time he would meet Bervely.
If just George and Bervely knew where all these would lead them ...

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