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Cover: 7/10

Your cover is eye-catching but the author's name isn't visible. So I advise you to make it visible. 

Title/Blurb: 7/10

Your title matches your Blurb. Your Blurb makes it seem like a motivational book and not a novel so I wasn't sure of what to expect. 

Plot: ?

This isn't a novel but a motivational book so I wasn't sure how to grade or review your work. 

Character: ?

Originality: ? 

Writing style: 15/20

Your writing style is a bit dragging and there were some grammatical errors as well. So I'd advise that you go back to it and edit it

Enjoyment: 10/20

I did enjoy some parts of your work. Since I want to be fair, I'll only grade you on the parts I focused on. 

Total: 39/60 

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