The fancy place

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The drive was long. The driver didn't stop eyeing me (or it seemed like it but I couldn't tell cause he was wearing sunglasses). He looked like a perv but I can't judge a book by its cover. He stopped the car in front of a mansion. He got out and opened the doors.

"Showtime" he said as he smirked so much he could pass as the creepy cat in Alice in Wonderland.

We were hustled into a line like in preschool and were pushed inside. The place was huge and there was a big chandelier dangling from the ceiling. It must of had millions of dollars of diamonds on there.
Underneath the chandelier was a marble table that had a potted plant but I was almost sure that it was fake. (Picture is in the side bar and sorry if it's blurry).

"Face the opposite side of the table and look outside the window. Now." The driver spoke in a harsh tone. All of a sudden the happiness drained off his face.

We straightened into a line again and looked outside of the window. I hear faint footsteps coming down the stairway to my right.

"On time. Your cutting it real close. He won't like this, Daren. He won't like it at all" a deep voice spoke out.

I turn my head slowly to make sure the creepy driver (well now Daren) couldn't see me.

The voice belonged to a tall man who had a poofy hairstyle that pushed all his hair to the front. He was muscular and had bushy eyebrows. He was handsome surprisingly.

"I know that Liam. I hope he doesn't notice." Daren states back.

"You disgust me. And my name is Mr.Payne to you." Liam fired at Daren.

I look at Liam's hair again and can't help but to cover mouth to stop my laughing. His hair looked like Snookie's.

Stop. Control yourself. Even though he might be Snookie's long lost brother doesn't allow you to laugh at him. Liam turned to face me.

Shit. I'm screwed.

"What you laughing at young lady?"

Before I could tell Mr.Payne he looked like Snookie, a man appeared and cleared his throat. (I love Liam but it's just part of the story). Everyone turned to face him.

"Mhm that's what I thought"

He clasped his hands together behind his back and started to walk down the stairs. He wore a button up with a pair of black pants. He had brown hair put up in some sort of quiff.

"Louis. Uhhh we have the girls ready." Liam stuttered.

"I have eyes. Don't be a moron for once in your life Liam." Louis spat.

When Louis reached to the end of the stairs he put on a small smile. He walked in front of us and examined the girls, one by one.

"Mhm. Okay. Gross." He noted as he looked at the blonde girl beside me. Louis's face scrunched up in disgust as he takes out a plucker and plucks the few hairs in between the girl's eyebrows. She winced back in pain. He lifted a strand of her hair when he finished and pulled her towards him, so that he could whisper in her ear.
Louis then walked over to me. He scanned me and scoffed as he saw my short dirty boots. After that he approached me and grabbed the jacket I had on by the collar.

"Go to the door to the right. Go with blondey. Be very quite." He whispered in my ear. He walks away from me with a satisfied grin and rubs his chin. Louis begins to walk to the next girl.

I turn around and hear Louis yelling at a girl saying she can't wear neon everything and how it attracts to much bad attention.
I grab the blonde one's arm and we jog to the door on the right. We stop, suddenly in front of the door. I could tell that she was scared and worried. I have never had a client like him before.

I reach for the door knob and twist it. God damn I'm so scared. You stupid idiot don't be scared. I'm pretty sure that all the men here can smell it. I must reek.
I push the door to reveal a velvet room. It had cushion like walls with a big red bed in the middle. There were two windows to my right and two doors to my left.

I shut the door and walk swiftly into the room quickly and try to open the other doors.

"What are you doing?"

"I didn't sign up for this." I spat. "I'm scared." She stared at me as if I evolved into a dancing magical unicorn. "Don't just stare, help me!"

Ran to the other door as I try to open my door. I turned the knob but the door wouldn't budge.

"Nope this one doesn't work" I state.

"Neither does this one"

"There must be another way out." I wrap my hands around my head as I try to think. My eyes widen as I realize how stupid I am.
I run towards the windows and try to open the window. Nothing happened. We are trapped.


Okeyyyy soooo yeah. I really don't think I will include a really detailed you know that type of scene. Cause like my sis is kind of reads this so that would be awkward. Yeah so no detailed sex scene ahead, sorry.

Also please bear with me and understand that all the negative comments against the celebrities in this book are all made up. I love them all.
I love Liam and I have some other negative comments on the future.
Okay, as most of you will have skipped this, ENJOY THE REST OF THIS BOOK!!!
All the love

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