Chapter 39

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"So you deleted my number huh?"

Taehyung sighed instantly after recognising the tone, such a deep voice, it can be no one except Jungkook.

"What do you want Jungkook?" he asked bluntly, not much in a mood to start a fight.

"Nothing" Jungkook on the other hand sounded very monotonous which Taehyung didn't expect. "I just want you to call me after Y/N regains her consciousness, can you do that, please"

Taehyung felt quiet for a moment, he never expected the arrogant Jungkook to talk like that. Probably it was because he was worried about her.

"Yes, I will. Don't worry. She will be fine" there was no way Taehyung could be rude to him after that. He felt glad that Jungkook really cared about her and his Y/N was in the right hands all this time.

"Thank you, good bye" Jungkook hung up the call and Taehyung put his phone aside and stared at you again.

But this time he had no tears, instead a bright curve appeared on his lips while he stroked your hair.

"His love for you isn't fake, I am glad


Sunlight peeped through the curtains when Taehyung decided to pull them off. The room was already damp and the smell of medical stuff made it worse, a little sunlight can make it a lot better.

His eyes squinted as reflex when the light pierced straight into his eyes while he tried to peep outside. It was morning already, 7o'clock as his wrist watch tells.

He stretched his arms out and yawned, then turned around to see you lying unconscious on the hospital bed. You didn't wake up in the whole night.

Taehyung made his way towards you and stood by your head.

"Lemme go and grab my breakfast, I will come right after" he whispered and walked towards the door and went out closing it from behind.

He walked through the corridors with lazy steps and dropping eyes, he was awake this whole and didn't shut his eyelids for once. Не ruffled his already messed up hair and made way to the washroom.

Standing in front the basin he looked at his reflection at the mirror above it. Apart from the dark circles he was looking at something else.

He tried to look at himself, he tried to understand what he actually wants. Why was he still trying? Why can't he leave just like that? Why can't he leave you in Jungkook's hands even after knowing Jungkook loves you just like he does?

Why is he afraid of losing someone he never had?

A splash of cold water on his face brought him back to the reality, he was in the hospital and he must be taking your care, drowning in questions won't do him any favour.

Turning the tap off he paced towards the cafeteria and ordered a coffee and a sandwich for himself, then finding a empty bench he sat on it with his hands touching the cold table in front of him.

He rested his forehead on his palm and sat there with heads down with his eyelids almost closing.

"Hey" Taehyung was almost about to doze off when someone called and he had to look up.

Jungkook was sitting on the other side across.

"You came early" he didn't hiss or snapped or fight, just politely spoke to him this time.

"I never went home" Jungkook
's reply made Taehyung frown.

"What do you mean?" he asked not understanding what he meant.

"I was in my car last night waiting the hospital" Jungkook smiled, and for the first time in six months they were actually making a conversation without fighting.

"Oh" Taehyung gasped and broke into a smile "I never knew you were so caring"

Jungkook shifted his gaze and looked down at his hands a shy smile played on his face "I never knew either, but then I met her"

Taehyung smiled and nodded.

There were was a cold silence between them for a moment, even though they really wanted a closure to this fight something stopped.

"You still love her right?" Jungkook asked breaking the silence, and Taehyung didn't know what to answer.

"I do, I can't help" his face dropped while answering and Jungkook bit his bottom lip.

"Don't ever stop loving her" something shook Taehyung after hearing that, as if someone has slapped him and his ears were ringing.

"W-what?" he stuttered, Jungkook was always hard to understand but Taehyung got a real headroll this time.

"Nothing" Jungkook smiled keeping Taehyung in confusion. "Will you stay here or wanna come with me, I will drive you to home"

"Wait, you won't meet Y/N?" Taehyung asked.

"Not now, I am not prepared. I am in this weird dilemma" he was about to say something but stopped in the middle and smiled sarcastically "Never mind are you coming?"

"No I would like to stay" Taehyung replied, he felt something was not right in Jungkook's behavior but he didn't know what.

"Okay, stay with her. She needs you" he smiled and walked of the place, leaving Taehyung in ocean of uncertainty.

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