Act Two

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Darth Vader looks to his left and finds the barrel of a blaster in his face and when he looks at the man holding it he finds a man he recognizes from before he became the monster by the name of Darth Vader. This man was his step-brother Owen Lars who ordered "Get away from him!" The camera pans along the top of the barrel and zooms in on Owen's face as he yells "Or I'll blast your head off!" 

The barrel of a blaster comes from the left side of the screen and the camera pans around Lar's head revealing Issac holding the blaster as he says "I wouldn't if I were you." 

Vader gets to his feet and says "Stand down Issac." 

Issac looks at him confused before he points his blaster to the ceiling with Owen lowering his. Owen pushes Vader aside and checks on the boy feeling his forehead. Vader looms over Owen as he says "Instead of breathing down my neck how about you get a wet towel for the boy." 

Vader nods at Issac who runs out of the room. Sarge and Aalya enter the room, as they do Sarge pushes Beru into the room and says "We found this one while we searched the kitchen." 

Vader closes his fist and says "There is no need to harm them. They will help us." 

"Excuse me,. Issac said before he pushed past. He hands Owen the wet towel who rudely takes it and places it on the boy's forehead. 

"What do you want?" Owen said with a scowl. 

Darth Vader keeps his gaze on the boy as he says "We require communication equipment. Do you have anything we can use?" 

"The bandits took it all." Beru said terrified. 

Owen jumps up and yells "Beru!" 

Vader steps in his way and says "Thank you Beru. We will be on our way." 

Sarge walks over to Vader and says "With all due respect sir we should hunker down here until the storm passes." 

"We will return to the town and find shelter there." Vader ordered as he stepped forward. 

"What happened to the town?" Beru asked scared earning a glare from Owen. 

"Bandits raided it and killed everyone there." Aayla said as she finally removed the cape. "Have they been causing you trouble as well?" 

"Yes, they have," Owen answered. "They've been stealing our water from us for two months now. As for the town from what we know they were taking food and spare parts as payment." 

Issac looks at Beru and asks "If all they took was water then why did they steal your communications equipment?" 

"I was trading in Mos Eisley when it happened," Owen said as he sat on the bed. "From what I know they came here looking for their usual supply but since I took it all they came in and stole some of our extra parts and dismantled most of our machinery. Our son Luke tried to stop them and all he got for his actions was a blaster bolt to the stomach." 

Aayla walks over to the bed and Vader grabs her shoulder and asks "What are you doing?" 

Aayla looks up at him and says "I was given some medical training when I became your caretaker." Vader lets go and she says "I'll have a look at this little guy but I need some room to work so everyone out." 

The stormtroopers are the first to leave the room with Beru following them. Owen stands up and says "We did the best we could with what we had."

She takes a medical kit from her backpack and puts it down as she says "Don't worry Mister?"

"Owen," Owen said as he looked at Vader. "Owen Lars." 

She gives him a reassuring smile and says "Don't worry Mr. Lars I'll take good care of your son." 

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