Have money and not earn bastard

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  Zhang Xiaofan, who was so proud of being proud, and not collecting money, Wang Mudi was relieved deeply. The process is not important, the important result is the result. Although the process is a little error, and now I am inexplicable to have an extra credit, but I didn't collect my own money anyway. Free, there are wood? Don't have money, there are wood? This silly X. Secretly despised Zhang Xiaofan, the rich second -generation rich second -generation, Wang Mudi glanced deeply at the door, and he was grateful in his eyes. Although Wang Mudi scolded his mouth to die, he could only understand that he could only understand that as an orphan who was struggling in this city, there were only a few friends who could talk about it. It is also a very good thing. This silly second generation will always secretly help himself in a stupid way, and he also thinks that the covered Tianyi is seamless and perfect. Hehe, maybe the guy smiled and smiled after he returned home and was so happy. If it is inexplicable to appear around him once or twice, maybe Wang Mufei may not be able to see it, but this fool's Zhang Xiaofan insist on this strange way of helping for a year. As long as Wang Mudi needs help At that time, this guy will appear on time, and then turn himself into a liability person with a scum, and he will be so hard for a while. When I was just noticing this situation, Wang Mudi was very worried for a while, thinking that this guy was not a straight man and looked at his handsome little face. After careful observation, Wang Mudi found that it was not the case at all. But a strange thing made Wang Mudi speechless for a long time. Zhang Xiaofan's inherently sixth sense of the sixth sense is almost strong enough to be perceived. Perhaps this is difficult to understand, but this strange ability that exists in novels and imagination appears on this funny second generation. The sixth feeling of human beings feels like Wang Mudi is still confused now. According to Zhang Xiaofan's guy, it is the natural response of the body. There is no need to think about it at all. Before Wang Mudi appeared, Zhang Xiaofan said that he was just an ordinary ordinary person. There is no place that is different from others, a peaceful mortal. Not to mention the sixth sense, even if the five feelings are a bit unaware of the reality because of the long time. This strange feeling did not appear until the moment when he saw Wang Mudi. According to Zhang Xiaofan's own words: the body naturally wants to get close to this soil bun. After a year of contact with a year of contact, Wang Mudi's speechless is that Zhang Xiaofan's guy has practiced his body into a habit. The body launch reaction almost became the whole of his life. You have to follow the feeling when you buy a breakfast. As long as there is a trace of discomfort, the guy will change the breakfast immediately. As long as you buy a lottery ticket, give up as long as you are uncomfortable. Just walk on the road as long as you are uncomfortable and change the road immediately. Everything that is uncomfortable is disrupted again. Even when I sleep, I feel uncomfortable to change a room. Thanks to his parents, he would not see him generally, otherwise he would have sent a neuropathic hospital long ago. It is strange to say that the sixth sense of this guy will really be fulfilled sometimes, making Wang Mudi feel uncomfortable. The breakfast I bought was uncomfortable. As a result, the shop was found to have carcinogenic additives the next day. I did n't buy the lottery ticket. As a result, the owner of the lottery store ran away with all the money the next day, and even the lottery station disappeared overnight. The walk was uncomfortable to change the road. As a result, the next day the news said that the 6 cars hit the road on the road, and hurt passers -by. The only thing that Zhang Xiaofan couldn't understand and was also Wang Mudi, a dog -headed military division, could not understand that every time Zhang Xiaofan felt uncomfortable when he was sleeping, nothing happened. In the end, the result of the two people summarized was too diligent and tired. What asked Wang Mudi to bite is that such a "fun" thing is that this guy has taken him to participate in research for several months. As a result, Zhang Xiaofan had no work, but Wang Mudi was buckled hundreds of uncle because he was always late. Looking at the two major bags of cigarettes, Wang Mufei laughed. It can save 1,300 yuan of shopping fees. For him now, it is also a small number. Although Zhang Xiaofan has not had a small relationship now, it is like Wang Mudi said. There is no itch for lice, and no debt is worried. I owe it first, anyway, this guy doesn't know how much he owes him. Open all the cigarette boxes and remove it into a pile of roots. Wang Mudi raised two large bags of cigarette rolls to the Tiandian Palace. Open all the cigarettes on the small goalkeeper. This stuff was worthless at all, but as soon as he arrived in the heavenly world, he immediately rolled up. Based on the principle of Wang Ba egg without money, Wang Mudi stuffed all cigarettes in his brain. One is 100 fairy crystals, all of which are naked are money. Although I do n't know what useful Xianjing is useful, it does not prevent Wang Mudi from making stones happy. As a world that is higher than reality, the currency used in this world must be valuable than the uncle in reality. Even if it is worthless, it can't be lost. Who made his goods owe, even if he lost, it was Zhang Xiaofan's guy. Hey smiled badly, Wang Mufei closed the small door and stood up with a smile. After looking at a small shop where there was no one, he shrugged, and Wang Mudi returned to reality. Back to reality, the first thing Wang Mofei saw was a pile of banknotes on his bed. Slowly put away all the money, but this is all his home. In case it is gone, it is not a tragic situation that can be described. The most important thing in front of Wang Mofei is to find a job. If you drag it like this, he can only drink the Northwest Wind. After all, even if you earn more in the heavens, you can't eat it. After packing the cigarette cases and shattered cigarettes in the room, Wang Mudi helplessly held the garbage to slowly move to the trash can not far from the door of the house, throw away the garbage, and then slowly moved to the door of the community according to the memory. After finally coming to the entrance of the community, looking at the two strange worlds in the world, Wang Mudi felt that he was still pitted. Looking around, all the clouds on their heads, strange humans on their bodies seem to suddenly pass through a strange world, don't mention how much sour feelings are. Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Mudi lamented, and suddenly frowned. He is standing now that he is not far from the gate. The person who is preparing to enter the community not far away is the grandma Liu of the next house. It seems that he is buying good food and preparing to go home to cook for his baby grandson. But what made Wang Moyi frowned was that when the clouds and silk threads on Grandma Wang entered the community and the reality division line, Wang Mudi suddenly returned to normal in front of her eyes. The silk threads and clouds on Grandma Wang suddenly disappeared. This strange phenomenon made Wang Mudi very unclear and thought of Zhang Xiaofan at the same time. According to reason, when this guy arrives at his house, Wang Mudi should be able to see the clouds and the silk thread emitted by the body on the head of Zhang Xiaofan in an instant. silk. This unscientific. "Wang, ready to eat?" Grandma Liu saw Wang Mudi standing on the side of the road and frowned. He said cheerfully: "Grandma bought a lot of dishes, with the leek you love to eat, go to the grandma's house! Grandma gives you Be your favorite leek eggs. " Looking at the kind old man in front of him, Wang Mudi was a little moved in his heart. People in this community are some good people, and they usually say hello, and everyone helps together when something happens. Perhaps it was the relationship between the environment. Wang Mudi arrived here for a year, and he did not find a quarrel. Even some contradictions between neighbors are restrained by themselves, and they do not go for the small matter of garlic. Harmony makes people unable to pick a little problem. "Grandma, I am going to go out, so I won't go through. I do more for your grandson. This kid is getting more and more skinny. If you eat too much, you can have a strong energy." Wang Mudi opened his brows and said with a smile. "Also let him eat hard, that's not over the sky, hey, this child is getting worse and worse. The skin is like the monkey. His grandson, Grandma Liu was happy to eat sugar, saying that he told a meal. "Oh, this is not your old credit. If it wasn't for you, the boy's buttocks were all four petals. Hahaha" Wang Mudi teased. "That's my grandson. I can still screw up without being used to it. Your kid was very skinny when he saw it when he was a child." Grandma Liu refuted cheerfully. "Feelings, your son is used to it! To be honest, can you get used to an entrepreneur?" Wang Mudi touched his chin and said. "How to do that, he didn't obedient a meal. He was not obedient. In the stick, the filial sons were made." When he said his son, the old lady immediately changed. "Are you treated with the difference? Don't you worry about your son jealous?" Wang Mufei smiled. "He dares, if he beats my grandson, I would not kill him." Grandma Liu said cheerfully "This treatment, your son is unfortunate. Hahahaha" Wang Mudi said with a squeezed grandma. "Little monkey cub, almost around you." Grandma Liu was a slap according to Wang Mudi's head. Wang Mudi hurried away and ran away cheerfully. "This cub was almost cheated by you." Grandma Liu looked at Wang Mudi, who ran away with a smile, and walked slowly with the basket. "Goodbye Grandma Liu!" The sound of Wang Mudi in the distance came, making Grandma Liu's footsteps lighter.

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