Dinner date

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Leah's POV

Dinner tonight with Landon was making me nervous. All day today at work was frustrating. At one point, Landon almost tried to kiss me.

We were sitting down, dangerously close to each other, reading over some papers. I looked up at him and his face was only about an inch away from mine.

His eyes rested on my lips, wanting to attack them with his. I wanted it to happen, but stupid me had to resist.

Nina is over right now, helping me pick the perfect dress for tonight. Landon said he was taking me somewhere fancy. I have enough dresses, but I can't decide.

"Leah, this is the one." Nina held up a dress that I forgot buying.

It was a light pink color with spaghetti straps and a medium slit down my left thigh. The dress stopped right below my knees.

After putting on the dress, it felt almost like a second skin. It was tight around my waist and hips. It showed some cleavage that I was comfortable with. I paired it with some nude heels that Nina suggested.

Nina did my makeup and finished with a red color on my lips. I let my hair out of my bun and brushed through with my fingers. It looks fine just like that, I thought.

"I left a couple condoms in your nightstand, just in case." She winked.

I gasped. "You know I don't do that on a first date."

"Okayyyy." She doubted me.

She left and I sat on my couch, waiting for Landon to arrive.

I was on my phone when I heard a knock. I got my bag and coat from the rack and opened the door.

Landon looked so sexy with his nice dress shirt and pants. The sleeves rolled up and the first couple of buttons undone.

"Hey blondie. You look amazing." His eyes full of lust and want, roaming my body up and down.

I knew the nickname would stick forever. I didn't notice him checking me out because I was too focused on checking him out. His stubble has grown to where it made him look mature and sexy.

"Thank you. You look great too." I locked my door and followed him into the elevator.

"Do you like seafood?" He broke the ice.

"I love it." I smiled at him.

He put his hands in his pocket, looking like a nervous, high school boy.

"Good because I'm taking you to a place where they serve the best seafood."

The elevator door dinged open and he let me out first. I waited for him and he guided me to his car. Sports car, as a matter of fact.

He opened the door for me and I slid into the passenger seat. Few seconds later he got into the drivers seat and drove off.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous right now." Landon chuckled.

"When was the last time you dated someone?"

His lips pressed against each other. "A couple years ago."

My eyes widened at his reply. "Well, not a lot has changed. But the guy does have to buy his date a chocolate shake."

"Oh really? Anything else I need to know?" He grinned.

"Nope. That's about it. You should know that you're paying." I said.

We arrived to the restaurant and I put my hand around his arm so I wouldn't lose him. We got our table and it was in the corner, which I really love.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. What can I get started for you?" The waiter pulled out his pen and notepad.

I furrowed my eyebrows at Landon when the waiter thought we were married. Landon also had the same expression, but he smiled after.

"Can you get us a bottle of your best wine, please." He said.

The waiter nodded.

"I'll have the fried trout with tomato basil sauté." I ordered, setting down my menu.

"...And I'll have the bourbon-glazed salmon."

The waiter took our menus and left us alone.

"I never got your age." I asked him.

"Twenty-nine. I'm scared to turn thirty."


"My dad wants me to get married before I turn thirty-five. He wants to have grandkids and who knows what else he wants from me." He explained.

"The waiter just called me Mrs. Johnson so you have a temporary wife, for now."

The waiter came back with a wine bottle and poured it for is in two, shiny glasses.

"To our temporary marriage." He raised his glass and I giggled.

We never took our eyes off each other while we drank the wine.

"How do you feel about going to court in a few days?" He asked.

"Nervous. At Harvard they do practice runs and my professor always told me I did a good job, but it's for reals this time. I think we could do it. I think we will actually win this case."

"My dad always tells me this, and I quote, 'If you think you can win, I won't let you be on your own. I want you to go into a case knowing you will win.'" He sounded so wise.

I took in the advice and went over it in my head. He dad sure does know what he's saying.

"What about your mom? What advice does she give you?" I told him.

He always talks about his dad and not his mom. I'm sure she has inspired him in some way.

"My mom..." He huffed. His expression changed and he almost looked sad, but he smiled.

"I'm sure my mother would have given me the best advice in the world. She passed away when she gave birth to me." He took a sip of wine.

I felt bad for asking him about his mom. He didn't even get to meet his mom. I was lucky enough to spend twenty-five years with my mom, but Landon didn't even spend one minute with his mom.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to sadden you." I rested my hand on his.

"I feel so bad. I'm sorry." I added.

"No, it's alright. You didn't know." He put his other hand on too of mine.

We starred into each other's eyes until the waiter interrupted us with our food.

"I can't wait to dig in. I'm starving." He licked his lips.

I laughed at him and took a bite of my food.

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