Morning After

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Seungmin POV

I stretched- every single muscle on my body taut. I craned my neck, trying to crack it. I contorted oddly- waking up and letting every morsel of ache leave my body. "Nnhunngrg." I grunted, followed by a contented yawn and sigh.

"Well good morning." Jackson's sleep heavy voice yawned. I tensed immediately.

My eyes were wide and I clutched at the blankets, pulling them up instinctively. "Morning." I whispered, memories of the night before flooding my mind, making me blush. It had happened- we'd had sex. Twice in bed, both variations mind blowing and sensual and just the right amount of rough.

Then we showered. I hadn't been able to help myself. Jackson soaking wet and naked was my kryptonite and I bit my lip as I remembered how I sank to my knees, as if in holy prayer to worship him with my mouth. He had leaned back against the tiles, my mouth closing over his hard length. The rainfall shower head was directly above me, cascading a stream of water down on me as I sucked him, thanking him for fucking me so good. And then he'd done it again my chest pressed against the cool tiles, until the water in the shower ran cold and I shivered from overstimulation.

I blinked away the thought, which was making my already hard dick throb almost painfully. His arms pulled me closer, tucking my back tightly against his chest, his stubble roughened cheek rubbing against my shoulder blade. I relaxed some, letting my body melt into his, loving how he made himself big spoon, even if I was bigger than him in almost every way.

"Minnie?" he mumbled against my back

"Hmm? I responded, letting my eyes close lightly against the sun shining through the huge windows of his room.

"Will you come with me today?"

"Come with you where?" I asked.

"Work. I have a meeting, vocal training, dance practice and an interview today. I want to be with you, but I can't take the day off." He explained sullenly.

"You want me to go to work with you." I stated, not fully understanding. "But.." I started to search my brain for excuses, but he was quick- rising up so he could push me against the pillows, kissing me before I could say no.

"No buts." He dismissed, kissing me on the cheek, then jaw. "Please say you'll come, baby." He pleaded, his mouth dipping over my neck- planting open mouthed kisses over my skin until he found the crook that made me whine against him.

"Hhh!" I gasped. "No fair." I whined, my fingers digging into his biceps in protest.

"No excuses." He growled, clamping down on my neck lightly.

Every cell in my body was screaming "yes" loving how demanding he was being, and so I nodded, agreeing. "Y-Yes, God yes, Jackson." I brought up my left leg, bending at the knee so it fell aside, allowing him to settle his hips between my legs. The sheet was tangled and trapped between our bodies- an annoyance that my clenching core did not like. "I'll go with you." I submitted, gasping as his tongue traced over the fresh bite mark he had gifted me.

"Perfect." He murmured, rubbing his nose lightly over my jaw. He kissed me quickly and then launched off me- excited. "Breakfast?" My mind struggled to keep up- my eyes searching for the source of his chipper voice, which had so abruptly left me.

I nodded, still reeling from the way he marked me so aggressively just a moment before. 'S-sure." I panted, willing my pulse to slow down. He smirked at me cutely and my eyes followed him as he retreated to the kitchen- watching his naked, tightly muscled, ass as he went. "Damn- I could watch that forever." My mind thought wryly. "But I'd rather be gripping it as he rammed into me..." the cruder part of my brain added.

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