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In the Dragon Hall
Ash and Carlos walked together to lunch and saw Jay, Rick, and Stefan, then walked over to them. Ash said "Hey guys." Rick, Stefan, and Jay said in a charming tone "Hello Ash." Ash looked at them strangely and wondered 'Why are they saying that in a charming tone.' Carlos looked concerned and jealous, then Ash turned around and saw Mal and Evie smiled at her while Lena smiled and waved at her. Ash turned to Carlos and said "Well, I gotta go with Mal, Evie, and Lena."

Then Ash put her hair behind her ear and hugged Carlos. Carlos blushed and hugged her back while he hugged her, Rick, Stefan, and Jay smirked and put thumbs up to him. Carlos and Ash stopped hugging and they both said bye. Ash walked away to Mal, Evie, and Lena, then Carlos blushed and turned around. Then he had lunch with Rick, Stefan, and Jay.

Minutes later, Rick, Stefan, Jay, and Carlos hang out at lunch while Mal, Ash, Evie, and Lena hang out together. Carlos was daydreaming about Ash until Jay kept saying "Carlos? Carlos? Earth to Carlos? Hello?!" Carlos stopped daydreaming and saw Rick, Stefan, and Jay looking at him directly at his eye. Carlos said "What? Why are all of you looking at me like that?" Rick said "You were daydreaming." Stefan looked concerned and said "What were you daydreaming about?"

Carlos blushed and said "N-Nothing." Jay raised an eyebrow and said "Yeah right! You were daydreaming about Ash, weren't you?" Carlos began dark red and said "N-Noo, I was n-not." Jay snickered and said "Yes you were! You have a crush on Ash!" Carlos was speechless and Rick and Stefan was shocked, then Carlos said "N-No....Maybe-e...S-so?!" Rick smirked and said "If you don't have a crush on Ash, then why is your face red as a tomato?"

Carlos glared and said "Cause it's hot in here." Jay, Rick, and Stefan said "Surrree you arreee." Carlos had enough and said "Alright. Fine. I do have a crush on Ash.But, what about Jay's little crush on Lena?" Stefan snap his fingers and points at Carlos, then said "I knew it, wait what?!" Stefan and Rick looked at Jay, then Jay smiled and said "Well, that maybe be true, but that's not what we're talking about here.But,that's great! Ask her out then." Carlos sighed and said "I don't know. I mean, what if she says no?"

Rick groaned and said "Come on, who wouldn't want to go out with Carlos De Vil. The son of Cruella De Vil." Carlos rolled his eyes and said "She would, I mean, she's Ash Jones. The neice of the most infamous pirate captain, Captian Hook." Stefan said "Hmm, true but that doesn't mean that she won't go out with you." He put an arm around Carlos while Jay pats Carlos' back, then said "Hey, I bet she would totally like you back." Carlos turned to Jay and said "You really think so?" Jay smiled and said "I know so."

Then, the bell rings and they all went to class. When they went inside, they saw Ash, Ash, Mal, and Evie talking to each other. Ash turned around and saw Rick, Jay, Stefan, and Carlos, then smiled and waved at Carlos. Carlos smiled and waved at her back while Rick, Stefan, and Jay smirked at him. Stefan said "See Carlos, she totally likes you." Then they all sit down at their seats and class has began.

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