On A Rampage

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Sue felt like a one-woman army as her shoes tapped against the floors of Westin Hills as she stormed her way toward Dr

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Sue felt like a one-woman army as her shoes tapped against the floors of Westin Hills as she stormed her way toward Dr. Myers's office. Katherine may not have been her biological daughter, but she was still her child, and she felt like a momma bear on a rampage.

She knocks on the door but doesn't wait to be called in as she lets herself in, seeing the psychiatrist sitting at her desk.

"Sue?" The blonde doctor says, seemingly confused by the other woman's barging into her office, seemingly unprovoked, especially with the upset expression on her face. "Can I help you?"

"I just had a phone call with Kat; she's sobbing. She told me everything that happened and wants to drop out of college." It was taking everything Sue had not to shake the psychiatrist.

"Now, I may not be a doctor, but I do know that allowing other people into a patient's session without prior agreement is unethical, Pamela," Sue says, stepping into the office and closing the door behind her.

"It's worse when it's someone that you know is a trigger for Kat. You know she can't stand to be around Sidney much right now," The grey-haired woman explained, rightly pissed off. "Kat is begging for me to collect her in the morning. I told her she was welcome to come live with me."

"No, you're correct, Sue. You're not a doctor, so how I treat a patient is strictly between me and them." Pamela Myers says with a narrowing of her eyes.

"Can't be that hard when you load all your other patients off on other doctors." Sue hisses as Pamela's eyes narrow briefly, but the grey-haired woman continues. "You think I didn't know or would see the amount of sessions or time you spent with Kat?"

"Katherine is a special case; she needed more time and care to come back from her trauma." Dr. Myers says professionally with a straight back, "My sessions with her were completely for her benefit, to help her acclimatize her back to society."

The doctor narrows her eyes again at the older woman. "Though I do find your close relationship with her fascinating. For someone who has terrible mother issues, she certainly let you in quickly."

Sue couldn't say anything as the two were pretty much toe-to-toe now, but she managed to think of something. "I'm going to see her tomorrow, and if she wants to leave Windsor, she can. She'll always have a home with me."

The two women glare at each other for a moment before Sue turns and walks out of the office, thinking of things she could have said or better retorts she could have made.

She stomps into the staff break room, muttering as she angrily makes a coffee. "That woman drives me insane," Sue sighs, shaking her head.

The other nurses she's friends frown in concern as Sue, who is usually calm and composed, sits with them, clearly distressed. The only times they've seen her like this have been when Katerine had escaped or hurt someone.

Seeing their look of anticipation, Sue elaborates, "Pamela." They all quickly nod knowingly. Dr. Myers wasn't exactly everyone's favorite on the staff and frequently rubbed people the wrong way.

"Don't get me started on her." Another nurse says, rolling her eyes, "I had to change my entire shift around because she had made some last-minute plans with her adopted son."

"I know what you mean for someone who only started working here less than two years ago. She certainly makes herself known," A male orderly scoffed as he shook his head.

"How long had it been now?" Sue asks, rubbing her face. She has never met someone who just rubbed her the wrong way and irked her without even trying.

"About a year and ten months?" The staff member in charge of the work rota says, drinking her coffee. "I remember when she first got here, she was so demanding about which floor and patients she wanted to see."

Sue sighed as she calmly drank her coffee. "If I never had to see that woman again, it would be too soon. I'd rather be on my deathbed than have to speak to her again."


Hours later, Sue walks into her house tiredly, kicking off her shoes with a groan from her painful feet. Not once did she think sore feet would be the bane of her existence while learning to be a nurse when she was younger.

She picks up her phone and leaves a quick voicemail to Kat, wanting her to know she's thinking of her. "Hey, Kiddo, it's me. I'll be with you first thing in the morning, and we can sort all this shit out. Until then, give em' hell, okay? Love ya."

Walking into her bedroom, she frowns, seeing her curtains swaying in the wind. For a second, she wonders if she forgot to close the window; she'd forgotten worse things before.

Moving to the window, she closes it before seeing a glint shine on the glass; she turns and screams just in time to see the black figure and white face with a knife high above their head before it is slashed down.

The grey-haired woman gasps in pain as she's stabbed over and over. Her last thoughts were of Kat and how much this would devastate her. Sue tried to fight back, but it was all for nothing, and she was getting tired.

The black figure slashes at the woman before dropping her to the floor, wiping her blood off the blade with his cloak, and leaves the home as if he was never there.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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