Chapter 12

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What the hell was that? Or rather, who the hell was that?! The woman who spoke to us was definitely not Josie. Her voice sounded completely different than Josie's, and her behavior was definitely different than Josie's. Hope spoke confidently and eloquently with the words of a strong woman and the eyes of a vixen. Everything was different than with Josie... she was fragile and shy since we met again.
Josie sat asleep on the couch next to Duke, the cognac glass in one hand and the phone in the other. I heard Tom talking as Duke passed the phone to King and we all stared at Josie sleeping. "I’m so excited, you have no idea! I'm already on the way, I just have to get a few things and pick Jon up from the airport. He takes the next plane from Washington. You have no idea who is there sitting in front of you. The girl obviously doesn't know herself! Don’t talk to her until we get there!" I heard Tom say excitedly as King put him on speaker.
"What should we do?" Duke asked in surprise.
"Think of something. Don't talk to her about it anymore...I don't know what the trigger is!" he said. "Trigger for what?" King asked in surprise.
"For Hope...oh you have no idea. Just do what I tell you, trust me," Tom explained before hanging up. Our eyes met as Duke and King looked at me.
"Church?" Duke asked and King nodded.
"Fucking church" he said.
We left Josie with the Owens doctors and quickly went to the bar. Alice and Evelyn were wondering what happened but we couldn't share any information yet, we didn't know what happened ourselves.
"Did you see what I saw?" Duke asked me in surprise.
"I was there...I just don't understand it" I replied.
"It was clear that she liked me more than you!" Duke stated with a mischievous grin.
"Really?" I asked him annoyed.
"We have bigger problems than Hope who likes you," King said as he closed the door behind us and all the brothers sat down.
When he told them what we had just observed, everyone looked at each other.
"Is this Hope dangerous?" Doc asked interestedly.
"We don't know. All I know is that as soon as I mentioned Project Hope, Tom knew what it was about. He knocked her out with one sentence," King explained.
"Like turned off? What do you mean?" Doc asked in surprise.
"I know as much as you! So nothing. Tom is coming here with Jon Steward!" he told.
"The former FBI director?" Gears asked in surprise, to which King just nodded.
"Whatever this is...they know," King said thoughtfully.

I couldn't get what Hope said out of my head the whole time. She knew about our encounter on the roof. She herself said that she was the one who treated me like that. After this incident, Josie ran down the stairs crying and came across Sam and Carol and her friends. He then chased me down the hallway as if I had done something to her. I met Duke and King that day...and never spoke to Josie again. If it wasn't Josie...but Hope, then Josie doesn't even know and she actually thinks I left her. She told me back then how lonely she was...if that's all true, then it seems like I let her down and not the other way around.
"Someone will have to look after her until Tom comes!" I heard King say.
"I'll do it," Duke and I replied together. I glanced at him and he grinned at me.
"You didn't want to look after her today," he said in a sing-song tone.
"I want it now!" I said to him and looked at King who was looking between us.
"Storm, you take care of her. I need Duke today," he announced and I looked at Duke with a grin.
"Bite me Trashboy" I said and Ace laughed.
"You're acting like school kids," he said as King ended our session.

When I got back to Evelyn and John's house they were sitting drinking coffee with Josie and the Owen doctors.
I watched Josie as she sat at the table uncomfortable in deep thoughts looking at the cup in front of her.
“Oh Storm, you are back?” John asked and looked at me questioningly.
"Yeah...I'm here for Josie," I said, as she looked at me in surprise.
Her face seemed scared and she was nervous.I wondered if this was really Josie or maybe still this Hope.
“I wanted to show her our community,” I said, to which she raised her eyebrows.
“Sure, we don’t want to stop you. We're done and see you in a few days,” said Dr. Owen to Josie as she stood up from the table.
She came nervously towards me and stopped right in front of me.
“You don’t have to do that,” she said to me quietly.
"I know... I want it," I answered her and she looked up at me.
“Come on,” I said to her, nodding toward the street.

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