Chapter 13

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The stress of everything that has happened seems to be affecting me quite a bit. At least that's what Dr. Owen explained to me when I came to. I must have fainted because I was afraid that they would think I was crazy. The doctors explained to me that they worked with trauma patients, and the young doctor admitted that she just couldn't cope, so she went to get her father. I was a bit confused; Evelyn said that she was very good and did a great job, which is why she apologized to me. They told me that I might need to be examined by a doctor because my headaches were becoming more frequent, but that I was otherwise okay. To be on the safe side, they said they would come back to check on me. John and Evelyn seemed nervous, so they made coffee, which I didn't actually drink, but I sat with them until Lucas came.

I don't know why he suddenly changed his manner towards me, and the disgusted look he gave me suddenly turned into a neutral, if not even friendly expression. I found his apology, or whatever it was, even stranger when he justified his behavior. This Ted was supposed to come to take my testimony, which is probably why he was told to be nice so I wouldn't run away. He made an effort to show me the community, and I listened to him talk about the people with so much love and respect. Maybe he's just trying to kill time until the man from the police comes. I would have much preferred to spend the day with the women, but they were all busy today.

For me, the horses that Rita and her husband had were the most beautiful thing in the whole community. I wasn't interested in the bar or the workshop, but the horses were really beautiful. I would never have dreamed of sitting on a horse in my life, and when Rita offered it to me, I couldn't resist. Who knows what will happen to me, so why not? When Lucas helped me onto the horse, I was dazed for a moment. Feeling his hands on me as he picked me up made me nervous. He seemed to hold me with ease, and my feet dangled in the air as he lifted me to his height.

Lucas seemed to be having fun watching me on the horse, and I couldn't see anything on his face except joy. The fun on the horse came to an end too quickly, and Rita suggested that we see some more fruit trees. After I changed back into my clothes, we went up the road to a small house.
I don't know what kind of fruit they had here, but Lucas, or Storm as they called him, led me to the end of the community to a fence. The little house looked cute and cozy as we stood in front of it, and Storm knocked on the door.
"Looks like he's not home," he said as he looked through the window.
"Maybe we should leave?" I asked him, and he turned to me.
"We didn't come here for nothing. Come on, Josie, the worst that can happen is that Spoon catches us and shoots us with his shotgun," he replied as he walked past me and behind the house. "What?" I asked in a loud whisper as I followed him.
Behind the house was pure paradise, and I was amazed when I saw the beauty. This Spoon had heaven on earth in his backyard, and for a moment, I thought I was staring at a painting. There were trees with different fruits standing around and bushes with different colored berries lined up between them.
"Oh, there he is!" Lucas stated, and I followed his gaze in shock. He waved to a man in a wheelchair who rolled towards us.

Should I run? Should I wait? What now? I asked myself as I looked at Lucas in panic. He started laughing and looked from me to the man who rolled in front of us questioningly.
"So he's not shooting at us?" I asked him, confused, to which Lucas laughed even harder.
"You should have seen your face," he said through laughter, which made the other man laugh too.
"If someone tells you that someone is shooting at you, then you run away and don't follow them, my child," said the older man as he looked at me kindly.
I shot Lucas an angry look as he was still laughing.
"Oh, come on, that was really funny," he said, to which I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.
"I'm really sorry," I apologized to the man who introduced himself as Spoon and invited me to inspect his treasure.
These names are very strange; I wonder how they even came up with them.
"You have a beautiful property," I said to him after we had been walking for a while.
"Well, that's all I have. I've been living for it since I retired. I have no wife and no kids," he said to me. Storm picked fruit and ate as we walked along and listened to Spoon talk about his garden. Spoon was a friendly old man who enjoyed his garden a lot. The view from here was definitely the most beautiful I've seen in a long time.
"You're welcome to come over again, Josie. Help yourself to the fruit if you like something, and don't let Storm bother you," he said with a laugh as we said goodbye.
"Thanks, Spoon, it was a pleasure," I answered him as we walked towards the house.

Halfway to the house, I heard something beeping and looked confused at Lucas, who turned to Spoon with a questioning face.
"If I were you, I would run," Spoon shouted as he rolled to the back and laughed.
"What does he mean?" I asked, wincing as a stream of water fell on me. The sprinkler system that ran through the passage of bushes turned on and shot water out of the ground, spraying wildly. I screamed as the cold water landed on me, and Storm grabbed my hand and started running. He seemed to be running faster and faster, and I could barely keep up with him as he dragged me more than I could even follow.

As we ran out of the water and stopped at the house, Storm leaned on his knees to catch his breath. I turned around and saw Spoon laughing loudly as he rolled away. My laughter came on its own, and I heard myself laughing out loud for the first time in a long time.
Lucas was sitting and leaned back, resting his hands on the stairs of the veranda, still out of breath but smiling. I turned to him and saw him looking at me. His gaze went from my legs over my whole body to my face. I held his gaze until he cleared his throat and turned his head to the side.
"Your dress is wet," he said nervously as he looked away from me.
The heat in my cheeks rose rapidly when I noticed that my dress was transparent from the water and he saw me like that, as the wet item of clothing stuck to my body.
"Oh Jesus...I'm sorry," I said, to which he started laughing.
"You should take it off and throw it over the veranda to dry. I'll stay outside the house. I won't look, I promise," he said, his grin hiding.
"You're not looking any more than you just did?" I asked as I stood behind the door and took the dress off.
"I didn’t," he said, laughing.
"Yeah, right," I replied to him.
"Here," he said and threw me his shirt to the door, and I picked it up. It was also wet but black and not transparent, so I put it on.

I couldn't resist smelling it and smiled as his scent swarmed me. When I put it on, it looked like a dress on me, and I pulled on it to cover as much as I could.
"You have a special way of leading someone through your community. I was thinking more about standing around and showing houses and not running through...through," I stuttered as I came out and saw Storm shirtless. Ok...I didn't expect that. Jesus Christ!
He was so ripped I think I just drooled at the sight of him. He looked at me questioningly as he wanted to tie his hair back into a man bun and grinned.
"It's not like you're not staring at me now," he stated, making me uncomfortably embarrassed for being so obvious.
"I didn't," I lied and walked past him to stand in the sun.
"Sure, let's say we're even now," he suggested as he sat down on the stairs next to me. We both stayed silent and watched the sprinkler system just sitting there like that for a while without words... and I enjoyed the silence.

"We were friends once," he said quietly.
"Yes, until you told me I was a loser and you found better friends," I answered him, to which he looked at me questioningly.
He shouldn't act like he doesn't remember. I couldn't look him in the eyes when we saw each other again. The words he said back then were very hurtful to me. I know that he still thinks I'm a loser. That's why he was like that to me. He wasn't wrong; I was indeed pathetic. But I liked him very much, the little crush I had on him turned into more, but I never told him that. Our secret meetings on the roof were my favorite part of the day. But he didn't want to be around a loser. A loser just like Sam and Carol were and still are.
"Maybe I was immature," he said thoughtfully.
"Maybe you were right...You're still friends with the same people. And I'm still a loser," I replied without looking at him.
"I'm sorry, Josie," he said as he still looked at me, and I continued to stare at the sprinkler system.

"We should go back," I told him as I got up to get my dress.
Lucas seemed to be very quiet as we slowly walked towards Evelyn and John's house. He walked next to me, and I felt his eyes on me as he often turned his head towards me. I stopped in front of the house, looking at him.
"Listen, Lucas... Thanks for your time. I won't stop you anymore, and you don't have to worry about me doing anything stupid. I'll wait for this Ted, and then you'll be rid of me," I said as I turned to the house and went inside.

Don't worry; I'm soon out of your perfect community and leave you alone with your perfect friends. That's the reason why you showed me the community in the first place, isn't it? To show me your perfect little life and remind me that I'm still the same loser.

The Rage of Storm ( MC No Limits Book 3 )Where stories live. Discover now