Chapter 15. A Sudden Downpour.

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Chapter 15.

A Sudden Downpour.

Silence settled on the cave as Caderyn drifted off to sleep, Sofia and Lynwood still cuddled up in betwen his paws. Sofia had gone off to dreamland long before, only Lynwood lay awake, his mind far too active to let him go to sleep. He was thinking, and he was thinking hard.

Elaine said his father could be dead, but she didn't know for certain. What if he hadn't been banished yet? What if there was still a chance to save him somehow? Lynwood had read many books where the heroes go through many dangers, and very often there was some sort of a jailbreak. To be sure, this was not a story book, this was real life, but no doubt all the authors of stories drew from real life and that meant such a thing was possible.

Lynwood knew enough to understand he could never get his father out on his own, but if he could only know for certain that his father was alive, then there would be reason to try and come up with a plan. Only how was he to find out?

The minutes continued to pass and soon turned into hours and still Lynwood didn't sleep. Suddenly he snapped his fingers.

"Collyn!" he whispered. "That's my ticket into the palace." He had to see her, and he had to do it right now. If his father was still alive, then it was certain his days were numbered and that meant every minute was precious.

Crawling out of his comfortable position, Lynwood nudged the dragon's head that was resting on the cave floor.

"Caderyn," he called, "Caderyn, wake up."

Caderyn gave groan and shook his head.

"Oh come on, you sleeping beast, wake up," Lynwood persisted. "We've got a long journey to make and we must set out now before the dawn catches up with us." He lightly punched his fists into Caderyn's face, causing the dragon to jerk his head up and open his eyes angrily.

"Don't get mad," Lynwood whispered. "We've got to get back to the capital and there is precious little time of darkness left before the light creeps in." Lynwood reached over and tried to lift his sleeping sister. "Ooof, she's heavy," he gasped, "come on, Caderyn, give me a hand..or a paw...or whatever."

Caderyn shook his head and was about to rest his head on the cave floor again, only to receive anther punch from Lynwood.

"When you woke me up in the middle of the night I jumped up without a second thought. Look, I know this may sound silly to you, but I have got to get back to the palace. I need to speak with Collyn. It has to do with my father. I want to find out if he is still alive and I think the princess might be able to help me."

Caderyn tossed his head and gave a dragon smirk.

"Oh go ahead, laugh if you want," Lynwood retorted. "Its not like I'm going to walk up to the princess and say 'Your Highness, please ask you uncle, His Majesty the King, if he has my father in his prison. It's that woodsman who was trying to overthrow King Farran's rule'. But if Collyn is as scheming as she put herself out to be when I first met her, she may be able to find out if my father is still alive. After all, if there was a trial on something serious as a plot to overthrow the king's rule, surely she would hear about it. People usually find out if when someone is killed for plotting against the king. Come on." Lynwood attempted to lift the dragon's head. "Please, Caderyn, do this for me. I don't want to be an orphan, I lost my mother as it is, I would very much like to keep my father."

Caderyn gave a sigh. This human boy had a terribly way of winding him around his finger. Why, in the past week he had done so many crazy things, things he had never dreamed he would ever do, all for the child of is greatest enemies. Giving a loud groan, Caderyn motioned towards Sofia. Lynwood gently draped her over Caderyn's back and Caderyn carried the sleeping child to the bed. Lynwood tucked her in and kissed her cheek.

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