Chapter 25

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Kelvin's Pov.

I watched surprisedly as Erin walked out of the church in anger.

"Egbami, What just happened" I soliloquized.

Deciding to take it upon myself, a couple of minutes after she went out because if I had followed her immediately she would have blessed me with a thunderous slap to my cheeks.

After sneakily excusing myself from the church because I do not understand the problem of the usher they fixed at the spit I was sitting.

She has just been monitoring me like an evil spirit.

I somehow managed to get out of her sight and out of the church. I got outside the church and immediately lost hope when I could not find any traces of her anywhere.

"Where could she have gone now" I wondered.

My hope soon became rekindled when I saw her sitting down quietly at the front of a closed shop with a phone in her hand obviously playing candy crush.

Why do I feel she's obsessed with the game.

"Here goes nothing" I muttered before making my way towards her because she just seems to be irritated by my presence this night.

I soon got to the shop she was sited at and the facial expression she gave me was enough to kill me .

Using the last courage inside of me I asked her" What are you doing here?"

She muttered some incoherent words before she screamed harshly at me.

"The fuck do you want?"

I flinched visibly at how loudly she cussed and that seemed to surprise her.

"N..Not... Nothing I just wanted to get fresh breeze " I stuttered helplessly

" Oh really! So beautiful" she exclaimed her voice dripping with sarcasm.

" The only place you could get fresh breeze is beside me in this shop abi" she stared at me like I was mentally deranged.

Did I ever admit that this girl scares the life out of me.

I decided to tell the truth since she easily caught up on my lie.

" I just felt that I should apologize to you since I just felt that I somehow offended you inside the church.
See I didn't mean to pry about and be judgemental about your spiritual life. I totally understand if you don't feel the same way I feel about God and found my words offensive . I apologize from the bottom of my heart" I said breathlessly at once.

She seemed to be stunned by my apology and her hard glare on me softened.

"Sit" she commanded with authority.

Like the zombie I am I sat down in the little space she provided for me.

The space was so small, her butt took all the space.

I watched her silently for a couple of minutes as she remained mute, just when I thought she was not going to talk, she spoke up in a voice barely above a whisper and I was surprised I heard it.

" You know, it is not like I do not try to feel the same way you feel about God" she started.

"It's just that I can't help but feel He is dormant in my life,non existent, insignificant and he barely acknowledges my existence because, it just seems like no one in the world cares about me. I have tried so many times to reach out to God but everytime He deliberately ignores me" she ranted in a shaky voice.

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