10-Idjit Brothers

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Bobby had picked them up that night and taken them all the way,few hours drive back to his house. They slept all the way and woke the next morning to Bobby drinking a beer and watching baseball. Dean walked up behind the couch so he could look over Bobby's shoulder.

"Do you ever sleep?"

"Only when I have ta."

"Why?" Dean asked and Bobby shrugged.

"Cause I don't need it." Dean considered this then glanced at the beer bottle.

"Can I have a drink?" John and the other hunters were always drinking there had to be something good about it.

"No." Bobby replied as if amused he would ask.

"Why not? I've had a drink before." Bobby raised his brows in surprise and Dean went on. "Yeah,My dads friend Fred Jones let me."

"Ol' Freddy Jones,psychic,right? Don't listen to those crazies Dean,they're not right in their heads."

"So can I?" He repeated.

"no." Dean sighed giving up and walked over to the kitchen to look for food. Bobby looked Dean over,he had gotten taller than he last saw him and looked older having lost a bit of his baby fat and wider shoulders. He was only eleven but Bobby knew John's harsh lifestyle was aging him quicker.

Yet,Sam they protected shielded from the truth. Sam was Mary's baby and John knew that he aid to protect him at all costs even lying. Sam wasn't like Dean he was short for his age and skinny,so skinny that when he tripped he would bruise almost on contact,he wasn't solid like Dean.

Although Dean was the stronger of the brothers,Bobby saw through the childish tough guy act and build. John thought he was how he acted but Bobby saw through it all and he knew that Dean needed just as much attention as Sam if not more.

"Dean." He called and Dean turned. "Just a sip." Dean smiled a goofy grin and ran over grabbing the bottle that was large and awkward in his small hands and put the bottle rim to his lips taking a small drink.

The liquid was bitter and he contorted his face in disgust thrusting it back to a Bobby like it was a lit bomb.

"Thanks." Dean coughed trying to get the taste out of his mouth. Bobby chuckled and took a drink from the bottle the liquid was sweet to him like an old familiar song.

"Go an' find someth'in to eat,eggs are in the fridge." Dean nodded and ran back into the kitchen,opening the fridge and making himself some eggs. He had just dumped them onto his plate,when the kitchen door creaked open and a little ruffled head popped in.

"Good morn'in Sammy." Dean smiled and Sam walked the rest of the way into the kitchen,opening the fridge. Dean has used the last of the eggs and Sam frowned shutting the door.

Sam searched the kitchen for something to eat and Dean sighed,as he watched his baby brother still groggy from sleep shuffle through the cupboards. His stomach growled but Dean told it to shut up in his head knowing what he had to do.

"Come 'ere Sammy." Sam looked over at Dean,yawned and rubbed one large green eye and walked over to Dean as he pushed the plate towards the smile child. "There you go,I made you breakfast. Eat up." Sam took the plate gratefully and climbed up into a chair eating the breakfast hungering as if he was the pet that no one ever fed.

Watching Sam eat made Dean hungry so he left back into the living room with Bobby. Bobby asked if he got breakfast and Dean lied saying he had and Bobby said he and Sam had to play outside for a few hours that morning because he had to go buy more food.

While Sam was eating,Dean walked outside where hundreds of old cars some broken down and rusted some still shiny were parked in plies all over the yard. Dean remembered how he used to love examining each of the cars,pretending to drive them and fix them up.

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