Chapter Six: Butterflies

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The sun rose over the mountains. Birds sang and flowers attracted the bees. Morning dew covered the grass.

Astro yawned and stretched. The tree's rough bark scratching his back. He laid on his stomach. Butterflies flew around him and the flowers started to open. He picked one that was yellow and thought of the human girl he met the day before. He's never interacted with such a confusing being. He touched his head feeling for his antennas.

"Right, I'm a human." He looks around. The town was busier than yesterday. He saw a building in the distance with many humans around his earth age surrounding it. He got up and watched as they smiled and laughed. It looked peaceful and he wanted to go there too.

"Might this be school?" He asks himself.


Astro stood outside the school, torn between curiosity and his pressing mission. The girl from yesterday's words echoed in his mind, distracting him from the urgency of finding his mom, warning her about Koro, and saving not just Earth but the entire universe. The E112, though capable of transporting his mom to Earth, seemed powerless to fix the 905 or return him to Planet Z. Perhaps it had sustained damage during its long journey to the Earth's surface.

Shaking off these thoughts, Astro took a deep breath. Blending in with humans was essential. School might hold clues about his mom's whereabouts, and maybe even answers to the mysteries that plagued him.

As he approached the school, butterflies flitted around him. "A step closer," he murmured. But what if they sensed he wasn't human? Suppressing that worry, he resolved to act as human as possible.

Inside, curious glances followed him. Astro surreptitiously checked himself, ensuring the E112 hadn't betrayed his true identity. That's when a girl approached, giggling.

"You're Stephanie's new boyfriend?" she asked, her eyes dancing. Astro raised an eyebrow. "What?" he laughed nervously.

"Stephanie says you're her boyfriend," the girl continued, unfazed. Astro recalled the girl from the previous day. "Boyfriend" was a term he understood—male, like him. "Friend" was newer, but his mom had used it to describe Marshall.

"Yes," Astro replied, smiling. "I am a boy. Her boyfriend." The girl nodded, scribbling notes in her notebook like an eager reporter.

"Are you new here?" she probed. Before Astro could answer, she launched into an explanation. "Everyone on Newgreen and Berrybush streets are social rejects. Especially Revolyn Lemming, Jackie Bailey, and John Barrow—the notorious 'Havocs' or, as we call them, 'The Delusionals.' They think they're superior."

Astro's curiosity piqued. "The Havocs? And who are you guys?" he asked. The girl's reaction was dramatic, as if she'd glimpsed a ghost.

"Who are we?" she scoffed. "Prepare to be impressed! We're The Riversides—rich, popular, and probably own your house!" She laughed, cutting off Astro's protest.

"We live in big houses along the river," she continued. "My name's Amber. Stephanie, Allysa, and Olivia—all our dads are big shots in town. My dad owns most of the other side, where the 'gross, poor people' reside—Newgreen and Berrybush kids." She reveled in their suffering, her pride evident.

"And Steph's step-dad?" Astro prompted.

"Hold onto your hat," Amber grinned. "He's the MAYOR OF EPEEKEECORI!" Astro nodded, absorbing the information. As the bell rang, students dispersed to their homerooms. The world of humans was complex, but Astro was determined to navigate it—even if it meant dealing with social rivalries and secrets.

Amber seized Astro's hand, pulling him along. "I can show you to your homeroom—come on!" she urged, her enthusiasm contagious. "I never got your name," she added, her smile wide.

"My name?" Astro gasped between breaths. "It's Astro." Amber regarded him oddly, her mind racing. "How you-neek! It must be for-yun," she mused. "Where are you from?"

The tardy bell chimed, and a portly man with black glasses entered the room, herding Astro and Amber inside. "Good morning, students. Find a seat," he instructed, settling behind his desk. Astro scanned the room, his nerves on edge. "Sir, find an empty seat anywhere," the teacher continued. "I'll take attendance, and when I call your name, please introduce yourself."

Astro's gaze landed on an unoccupied spot next to a solitary girl. He approached, offering a tentative smile. She rolled her eyes and stared out the window. Amber's head shook imperceptibly, but Astro paid it no mind.

Sitting down, he fiddled with the pen he'd found in the desk. It was unlike anything he'd seen, and curiosity gnawed at him.

Ka-Click! Click! Ka-Click! Click!

"Can you chill out with the pen? I can't even hear myself think," the girl next to him snapped, her eyes exasperated. Astro set the pen down. "Okay," he murmured.

The teacher began calling names. "Amber Linsnik?" Amber's hand shot up. "Olivia Thompson?" Olivia followed suit, and they exchanged giggles. But when "Revolyn Lemming?" echoed through the room, there was no response.

"Mr. Boone, don't bother," Stephanie breezed in, her tone dismissive. "Rev is pouting in the back, as usual." Mr. Boone marked them off, sighing. "And you're late, as usual," he chided Stephanie.

Stephanie dropped into the seat in front of Astro, her hair flipping back and smacking him. "Oops! Sorry, Babe!" she exclaimed, feigning shock. Rev rolled her eyes, edging away from Astro. "My name isn't Babe," he raised an eyebrow. Stephanie chuckled.

"We're girlfriend and boyfriend—it's a nickname," Stephanie clarified. Astro blinked. "Who's Nick?" he asked innocently. Stephanie's eye twitched. "NICKNAME: A special name given, like, ugh! Making me sound like a nerd, BABE!" she retorted, flipping her hair.

Rev laughed. "Dude! You've totally riled up your girlfriend! Gotta admit, that was funny." She extended her hand. "I'm Rev. And you?" Astro smiled. "Astro," he replied. Rev withdrew her arm. "Need a handshake tutorial? Nice to meet you, by the way. Oh, and ditch Stephanie at the first opportunity," she whispered conspiratorially.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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