The Night it Began

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This cold autumn night was the perfect night to summon her familiar. Selene, a young mage, was wishing for a cute creature unlike Anubis, her master's cat. Anubis was a fluffy blue and white cat with wings. Although he was cute, he's sarcastic and ridicules Selene over every mistake whether big or small. "Nevermind that," she started to pout, "He's only nice to master! I need to go ahead and start the summoning." Selene let out a sigh as she kneeled down to draw the symbols for the ritual. After drawing the runes needed, she took out a knife from her bag. With a deep breath she slid the knife across her hand, letting the blood drip down onto the runes. "I, Selene, with this blood, demand you to obey my will!" She said in a demanding tone. There was a sudden gust of wind followed by a faint growl behind her. As she turned around there stood a beast that resembled a wolf, its teeth bared in a snarl, its eyes fully white. Selene flinched as the beast sprang towards her. In her attempt to flee, she stumbled and fell down to the ground. The beast now leering above her. Before the beast was able to attack, its head went flying, landing a few feet away. Selene slowly looked above her and saw an unfamiliar man with jet black hair and violet eyes glaring down at her. "Are you an Idiot? What the hell are you doing here?" He sounded more concerned for her safety rather than mad. The man shoved the beast's corpse off of Selene and reached out to help her up.

"If you must know, I was trying to a familiar, and you are?" She stated doing her best to not show the fact that she was startled.

"Oh a mage," He said in a monotone voice. "My name is Damien, I am what you would call a demon hunter. That thing you summoned was not a familiar, but rather a demon, a wrath at that." he sighed, "Judging by how powerful that spell you casted was, more than one got summoned." He looked over to Selene, "I forgot to ask, what is your name?" She hesitated on telling him her name, but seeing as she was the one that caused this problem, she saw no issues telling him. "Selene." She said.

"Well Selene," Damien put his hands on his hips, "You caused this mess, therefore you are coming with me to fix this. Any objections?" His tone demanding, he made it clear that there was no getting out of this.

"No objections!" Selene stated quickly, scared about what would happen if she did object."Alright then," he smiled, "Let's be off, we've got to find those demons quickly, if we don't they'll start killing any and all humans in sight."

*A/N: Hello, it's been a while since I've written anything on here, I plan to try to finish this story! If you enjoy and want more to this story, please leave a comment! *

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