Chapt 4: A Sons Unfortunate End

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TW: This chapter contains blood and gore! If you are uncomfortable please skip any part with GORE/BLOOD

Business bot rolled into the janitors closet before slamming the door shut. He grabbed a gun that was in one of the boxes

"Business bot?" Fandrew asked in confusion

"Get outta here kid! That psyco is here!" Business bot yelled before a chainsaw stabbed through the door. The chainsaw shakes as it slammed down and up, cutting the door in half. 404 pushed the two door pieces onto the ground

"Son! There you-"

"DON'T YA DARE TOUCH EM!" Business bot yelled, holding the gun up

404 growled as he took a step closer. Business bot hesitates...but he ended up...pulling the trigger

Fandrew turned around in a flash as 404 stumbled back

"Heh, your aim is...terrible" 404 chuckles before laughing loudly and maniacally "MAYBE, I should TURN YOU INTO A LITTLE SNACK!" 404 laughs before grabbing his axe and chopping Business bots hand, holding the gun, off. Blood/oil splattered everywhere. Business bot screamed in pain

"RUN KID!" were Business bots last words

404 slammed the chainsaw into business bot, sawing him in half. Business bots blood/oil splattered everywhere as 404 laughs

Fandrew rolled away and rolled out of the room as 404 started to consume Business bots remains

-----two hours later (Just blood)

Fandrew was hiding. He would cover his ears (or headphones, idfk) in fear whenever he heard a robot get their body grinded or mutilated by 404, the one person that fandrew saw as a father

"Fandrew?" 404 would say in a maniacal voice all the time while looking for Fandrew, but this one sounded sad

"Fandrew...please come out, I can't control myself...please son" 404 would say in a now normal voice "I'm sorry if I scared you...I understand.." 404 would say before walking off

Fandrew tries to move out of his hiding spot, but he accidentally knocked over a can

404, startled, turns around to look. He sees Fandrew, but thought it was fandrew

"Fandroid!? I thought I killed you!" 404 said, his pupils dilated before he walks toward Fandrew

Fandrew tries running but he got his wheel stuck on some rope on accident

"Wait!! It's me! F-fandrew! Ple-" before fandrew could finish, 404 slammed the axe down...cutting into fandrews face, blood/oil spilled out, splattered, etc

404 suddenly realized what he did...he looks down at fandrew in shock, his pupils widend as he started trembling. Tears started to fall down his cheeks and onto the dead body of his son

"Fandrew...?" 404 asks, hoping for a response...nothing "i-i'm sorry I'm sorry...please...please don't leave me..." 404 began to sob as he hugged fandrews corpse "I'm sorry...please don't leave me, your all I have...please" 404 sobs as he hugged fandrew

"I'm sorry..."


Sorry if this was rushed, I was getting tired

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