Chapter Thirty Five: Wisp

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A/N: This chapter is much shorter since I couldn't think of anything to follow up for the chapter. So, I hope this will suffice for this weeks chapter!


Paradox Hideout

  Yui walked through the corridors of the building, she sighed as she heard the louds voices of her fellow assassins. It was always annoying hearing them yell at each other, although they were assigned to work together, there was no chemistry between the assassins. Everyone was more used to working by themselves so when they were assigned to work together, it... was more complicated.

  >Can their bickering just end already?< Yui let out an annoyed sigh, getting past the loud arguments on who would do what, where they would be and such. She got down towards the cells, where anyone who was captured was in. Yui looked through the large glass panel that held Kokori. The white haired assassin sat against the left wall, an expression of annoyance and anger on her face. She was still bound with the restraints.

  Yui then looked to her left, her eyes set onto the next captured person, that being Ren. Unlike Kokori, Ren still had full access to his limbs, his hands grazing the walls. Their rooms were different but still similar, while Kokori's room was more of a mini white room that looked to be made from plush, Ren's room looked more like a concrete box. "Hagane, observing them again?" An assistant spoke out, getting the assassins attention. She had short hair, the color of the night sky. A high saturation of yellow for the color of her eyes. She wore a standard lab coat for her outfit. "Yeah, there's nothing much to do around here." Yui responded, "Why don't you go out and do something?" The assistant suggested, "Hmm... any suggestions, Haruka?" Yui asked the assistant. Well... have you ever been to this diner?" Haruka asked, pointing to a picture on her phone.



  Sia's heart pounded and pounded, her thoughts raced through time, her eyes flickered, closed, opened, looked around. Eventually, someone would speak to her through the speaker that was stuck on the wall across from her. "Sia, I only have some questions for you. If you comply, I promise you will not be harmed." A feminine voice spoke, it was warm and light, it eased Sia's nerves, but not fully. "Um.. what.. Are these questions?..." Sia asked whoever was behind the voice, "... We only want to know what your brother is doing." >Huh? Big bro...? What do they want to know?< Sia questioned them in her head.

  "First question we want to know. Does your brother have a job?" The female asked Sia, the question was somewhat direct. "Umm... Big bro is a photographer..." Sia responded to the question, "Okay... next question... What time does your brother come back home? ... On average." "On... average?" Sia thought about it, she never really thought about what time Jay came back home. She thought about an answer for a minute, "Thinking of an answer?" "Yeah..." Sia continued to think about the question or rather, the answer. "If you can't come up with an answer, it's okay." "Uhhmm... I think big bro comes home around... five... or six pm.." Sia gave her final answer. Giving an answer was better than not knowing an answer.

  These questions continued to go on, the female voice asked the questions, and Sia responded to those questions with the best answer she could come up with.


The Apartment

  Rośe was making some tea for herself. She wore her night wear, the warm light from the apartment illuminated the area, the blinds covered the windows. This atmosphere was cozy, although Rośe didn't have anyone else in this fairly sized apartment, her thoughts made up for it.

  As she set down the cup of tea on the coffee table, she sat back on the couch. She grabbed the game console she and the others would play on back then. As she turned on the TV, she also booted up the game console. The screen displayed multiple games, the most recent one that was played was Mario Kart. Rośe grabbed a controller and connected it, tapping on the controller button, she started up the game, ready to play and relive the short memories she had with the other three.


Some Time Later...

  During her game session, a sudden thought popped into her head. >What am I doing? I'm acting like they're dead.< Rośe ended the game session, closing the TV, shutting off the system and disconnected the controller. She took her empty cup of tea to the dishwasher, placing it in there. She didn't feel like washing her cup this night since she spent too much time on the game console. She headed back to her room, shutting off all the lights in the apartment, getting into her bed and resting her body for the night.


Morning, U-Yung Household

  Jay still felt the devastation he had from the night before. He ran around asking people if they saw his little sister anywhere, with all the answers being "No." He had his face in his hands, taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself. "Where did she go?..." Jay mumbled to himself, thinking of anyone who would want to take Sia away. There were many people his father made enemies with over time, so he thought about them first. The enemies of his father were either in different cities, different prefectures, or overseas. >Maybe they're taking Sia as leverage? ... But knowing him, he wouldn't care...< A grim expression was shown on Jay's face, his heart was moderately pounding as he looked up, his eyes met the wall of Sia's room, just where her heart supplies would be. A tear dropped down Jay's cheek, then came another. He quickly wiped the tears away, taking one final sigh before standing up from Sia's bed.

"I guess I'm working overtime..."


Bethwell Household

  Eliward woke up earlier than she usually would. If she did wake up on time, it would be around 10am or 11am. She just stared at the ceiling above, thinking and contemplating to herself. Assuming she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, she decided to just get up and get something to eat. 

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