names and suprise

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In this part charlie is 35 weeks
Tw:throwing up
Charlie: i wake up feeling naueseous i grab my meds and take them but they didn't work so rushed to the bathroom and i threw up i honsetly hate been sick and stuff but i least we get to posilbly meet our babies in a month so thats good . After i was done being sick i went back into the bedroom and just sat on the bed thinking about meetting our babies and all the memories we might make then vaggie wakes up  and says " oh good morning babe what are you doing awake" i say " oh woke up toke my meds cause i was naueseous but didnt work and i threw up but before you ask i am fine wnd i did sleep good " she says " oh ok " i say " anyways i just remebered we have not pick names for the babies yet " she says " oh yeah do you have any ideas " i say " oh i like the name ava or sophie  for the girl and for the boy maybe jack i dont really know " she says " i like sophie and i think  thomas for the  boy but what do you think ?" I say " yeah i think the name thomas is nice so is that the names ?"  She says " yeah  i think we should go for sophie and thomas " i say "great thats names sorted .

Vaggie: me and charli have finally picked names for the babies so i decied to order  the babies a teddy and blaket with there names on it for a suprise of charliecas she always says how much she loves personaliased things and also think it would be so cute that they could keep them forever . About 2 days later the bears arrive so i go to charlie and say " hi i have a suprise for you " she says " oh what is it ?" I hand her a vox and she opens it and says " omg you got personalised teddys and blackets for the babies that really nice babe" i say " your welcome babe "

The end of chapter

Sorry about the short chapter i just didnt know how to make it any longer 

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