Chapter 16: scared

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_Taehyung: (softly) Y/N, I'm sorry, but you have to understand... I'm just saying it for your own good.

Y/N nodded quietly, though the disappointment still lingered in her expression. Taehyung sighed, sensing her mood and wanting to lighten the atmosphere.

Taehyung:(gently) How about we go to the beach instead?

Y/N's eyes flickered with interest, the idea of the beach offering a welcome distraction. She glanced at him, her mood lifting just a bit.

Y/N:(hesitant smile) Really?

Taehyung: (nodding) Yeah, let's go. It'll be nice.

The tension in the car began to ease as they set off for the beach.

As they arrived at the beach, Y/N's excitement was palpable. She had never been to the beach before, and everything was new and thrilling to her. She noticed the seashells scattered across the sand, their intricate shapes catching her eye. But as she got closer, her excitement turned into nervousness.

Taehyung picked up one of the seashells, admiring its delicate patterns. He noticed Y/N's wide-eyed stare and grinned.

Taehyung: (holding up the seashell) Y/N, look at this. Isn't it beautiful?

Y/N:(scrunching her nose) Yuck, Taehyung, it's scary!

Taehyung couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, finding her innocence endearing.

Taehyung: (still chuckling) Scary? It's just a seashell.

Y/N:(worriedly) Taehyung, throw it away! It might bite you!

Taehyung smirked, deciding to have a little fun with her. He took a step closer, seashell still in hand, and Y/N's eyes widened in fear. Without warning, she turned and started running away from him, her laughter mixing with nervous squeals.

Taehyung: (playfully) Come back, Y/N! It won't bite!

He chased after her, both of them laughing as they ran across the sand. After a few moments, Taehyung finally threw the seashell back onto the beach, watching as Y/N slowed down and cautiously approached him.

Taehyung:(smiling) It's okay, Y/N. I got rid of it. You're safe now.

Y/N let out a relieved sigh, still catching her breath from all the running.

Y/N:(pouting) You scared me on purpose!

Taehyung:(teasing) Maybe, but it was worth it to see you run like that.

Y/N rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at her lips. The beach, despite the scary seashells, was turning out to be a lot of fun.

Taehyung: Y/N, it's getting late. Let's head to a restaurant for dinner. I have an important meeting at the company tomorrow, so I'll need to prepare.

Y/N:(nodding) Okay, let's go.

They both got into the car, and as they drove away from the beach, Y/N turned to Taehyung with a hopeful expression.

Y/N:Taehyung, can I visit your company tomorrow? I'd really like to see it.

Taehyung:(surprised but smiling) Sure, you can come with me.

Y/N's eyes widened with delight at his positive response. She hadn't expected him to agree so easily.

Soon, they arrived at a cozy restaurant, enjoyed a pleasant dinner, and then made their way back home.

Next parts are too interesting let see what will happen l am so excited to share with you guys

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