I said what i said

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I said what I said. While Wilbur wasn't in a good mental state at the time he was abusing Shelby, that is not an excuse. He's in the wrong on his side, and Shelby is wrong on her side!!  She has her supporters sending Wilbur death threats and etc!! Im all for revenge!! But that's too far. It's childish. It'll only make his mental state worse!! And btw, if you drive him to kill himself, you're a horrible person!!! Leave him alone!!! Being confronted about it was enough, being petty and sending death threats , and doxxing is enough to make someone take their own life. "Oh he's pathetic if he does that" shut up!! You're a trashy human being for bullying someone!! No matter what they did or their age!!! Literally leave him alone. Let them work it out, don't send any death threats or anything. Humans are supposed to work it out. Not listen to what 9 year olds are saying for them to do online. I said what I said. Now I'm not defending anyone, I'm just saying that the harassment is unnecessary. And unbelievably childish!! Losers!!

Oh yeah, and don't Harass anyone who still finds comfort in his music or love joy? You can't control ur hyperfixation. Rather it's problematic or not. You're a horrible person for that. People are gonna say stuff.

"Robbie from Cavetown is transphobic!!"

Nigga. (And I'm black, unlike most of you reading this.)

He literally approved for his music to be in a LGBT show, where there's (by knowledge) two trans characters, one non-binary character, and like several gay characters? How is that transphobic bro. And on X (formerly twitter) he literally defended a person who got mad at being misgendered, some idiot commented being 'misgendered' doesn't matter or smth like that, and he said 'She has a right to stand up for herself, it's rude to misgender someone. Hope she got the corporate number and that she's okay' how is he transphobic?

You guys really need to chill. Stop bullying people and harassing them for their interests and let adults figure out their own life!! <33

Said what I said.

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