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The time has come and I was now sitting on an airplane next to a sleeping Jennie. We are about seven hours into the flight and I haven't slept at all. I've spent the last couple hours thinking about everything that has transpired within the last few weeks.

Telling Cara, Sana and Dahyun that I wasn't going to be here for the holidays went better than expected. They all questioned where I would be but I kept them distracted enough and the details at a bare minimum.

When I mentioned Jennie, Sana and Dahyun didn't seem to care or question it. But when I told Cara, she instantly rolled her eyes and tried to have sex with me. Her way of claiming me. I didn't let it happen which only upset her more. She was the most suspicious out of the three.

I was excited to be going back to Korea, it had been ages since I last visited. The last time I went was with Rosie and her family during one of our summer breaks in high school.

I remember almost not being able to go. It was the summer right after my mom caught Rosie and I in my room. I guess the shame she felt when she looked at me was greater than the punishment of making me stay home.

Now here I am, practicing again, but this time with Jennie. I wonder what my mom would think of me now.

My mind was a mess. Memories of my last trip here flood my mind along with all the painful emotions. My chest tightens and it's getting harder to breathe as time passes.

A panic attack. Maybe coming here was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come.

Anxiety creeps onto me as my thoughts linger on my past but it vanishes instantly when I spot Jennie stirring awake.

I take a deep breath as my heart begins to steady.

The sleepy girl stretches her limbs out and yawns. I'm so glad I got us first class seats. Otherwise this would've been a very uncomfortable flight for her.

"How much time is left?" Jennie asks without opening her eyes.

"We're barely seven hours in so we still have quite a bit to go," I paused the movie on the screen and directed my attention towards her, "you slept through our first meal. Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you anything?"

I chuckled to myself as I watched Jennie try to keep herself awake. She's so adorable.

She put up a good fight but she ended up falling asleep again.

I envied how much she was able to sleep. Every position she was in made me laugh a little.

She leaned against the window, the divider, on her lap.

Eventually hunger woke her up at the 10 hour mark, she had some ramen and then, you guessed it, went back to sleep.

This time though, I helped her adjust her seat so she can lay down completely. It was like showing a kid their favorite toy.

She was amazed.

"Why didn't you show me this earlier?"

"You were too busy sleeping! I couldn't wake you, you looked too comfortable"

Jennie woke up for the final time and hour before we had to land. I had my eyes closed when I heard her moving around.

"She finally got some sleep," Jennie groggily says as I feel her covering me with her blanket engulfed with her scent.

"You're up?" I spoke up keeping my eyes closed, "Thanks"

"Yes finally. Sorry I thought you were asleep"

"It's okay. I just had my eyes closed cause the lights are hurting my eyes." I nodded towards the person in front of me who kept their reading lights on the whole flight.

"I'm glad you're awake. I've been so bored. I was starting to go crazy. I was even debating waking you up."

"You haven't slept at all?" I shook my head as a response, "Lisa you should have woken me up"

"Nah it's alright. You were clearly exhausted," I opened my eyes and turned my head towards her.

There are many times where I am taken aback by Jennie's beauty. Now is one of them.

She had a glow to her, a result from all the sleep she got.

Her eyes a little puffy and glossy from her yawn.

Her lips just a bit swollen. Nothing crazy or medically alarming, just fuller than usual.

Her disheveled hair somehow still radiating perfection.

Jennie is beautiful. She doesn't even have to try.

"What?" Jennie asks.


"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Haha sorry," oh no she caught me, "Thanks for letting me come with you Jen. I'm excited to meet your parents. What are they like?"

"Oh it's just my mom and me" she smiled and faced her body towards me, "We're very similar. Only she's always been more outgoing than me. She's going to be so relieved when she meets you. She's been begging me to let her come and meet you girls since I moved in"

"She seems great," I stretched in my seat, "so did you have anything planned for Christmas already? I'm not intruding on any plans?"

"Not really. We usually go out to dinner on the 24th and stay in the 25th  We watch movies, exchange gifts. That's if my mom's home, she gets called in to work sometimes. But when it's just me I usually sleep all day. Lucky for us, she will be here..... that's if nothing changes" She finished with a hint of sadness in her voice.

I hate when she's sad.

"I'm sure she won't get called in. And besides, if she is, you won't be alone this year. You'll have me," I smiled at her and grabbed her hand instinctively, "Don't worry we can still sleep all day if you want. I won't change your plans"



Me again. A double update as an apology for being MIA.

Enjoy :))

- C

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