Obsessive~ MR

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I've had a crush on Mattheo since 4th year after he punched Adrian Pucey in the face for calling me a bitch. Honestly he was upset that I didn't want to sleep with him; for him anything with a hole is a place to put his dick. He had came up behind me during a party while I was dancing and started grinding up on me. I turned to look at him with disgust on my face, he then called me a bitch and a tease. I have no idea where Mattheo came from, all I remember is that I was pushed out of the way as Mattheo got on top of Adrian, punching his face in. I had never talked to Mattheo before that, though we have had every class together since first year weirdly enough. It's already my last year at Hogwarts and I can feel the time slipping through my fingers. I've been wanting to confess to Mattheo for a long time but honestly, I don't even think Mattheo remembers me let alone my name. He never said anything to me after beating up Adrian, he walked away before I could even thank him.

I'm studying in the common room on the far side of where Mattheo and his friend group are. I won't lie, I choose to study here because I know Mattheo is always here. That may be a little creepy but I do genuinely study, him being here is just a plus. As I go over my potions work, I feel the heat of someone's body looming over me. I inhale, the slight smell of cigarettes and cologne take over my nostrils. I look towards the person standing over me and see the boy that invades my every thought. "Hello?" I couldn't come up with anything better as my mind was in a haze. Mattheo Riddle was standing next to me; staring at me with an intensity no one could compete with. He's silent for a beat, his eyes roam me up and down as if he's checking me out. "You know i'm very flattered." That's all he says as he continues to eye me like i'm his next meal. "What do you mean?" I question him as I feel my breaths getting shorter, my hands start to sweat, and my leg starts bouncing up and down. "I mean, I'm flattered by how often you think of me. I never would've thought that you of all people could imagine such things. You look so innocent with your bow tied pigtails and those doe eyes but you're far from innocent, and you know it." he whispers to me as he puts each of his hands on the arms of my chair and leans into me as i turn back around, trying to ignore my face heating up. "Such a sweet girl, thinking about all the different positions I could put her in. Why don't we test that out, hm?" I feel chills run down my spine as I stare up at him. "W-what do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about." I blurt out, we both know it's a lie but I much prefer to lie and save my dignity. "So you're saying that if I put you across my shoulder right now, took you to my dorm, and had my way with you, you wouldn't want that?" Yes. "No." His devilish smirk teases me as he takes his right hand off the arm of my chair and drags it across my thigh. "The thoughts in your head say otherwise, darling." What-. Oh shit. Shit shit shit, I completely forgot a very important detail about Mattheo, being as he is the son of a very powerful person, that means he is very powerful himself, as in reading minds powerful. My breathing becomes erratic as I realize how Mattheo could know every little thing i've thought of him. "And yes, I do know every little thought you've had of me darling. Specifically the one you think about atleast ten times a day; Me and you in the library, you're sat on my lap riding my cock while there are students and teachers all around us. You always try your best to keep quiet as I tutor you on Defense Against the Dark Arts. Oh my sweet girl, you are far from innocent and I wish the whole world could know but this is for me and only for me to know. Your dirty little secret." His hand somehow travelled all the way up to the hem of my short school skirt, toying around, making the fabric slightly hike up my thigh. "Mattheo, what are you doing?" My voice is barely at a whisper as I stare at his fingers caressing my inner thigh. "I'm sure you remember that one time we were in potions class, snape had left for a brief moment. You were by yourself in the back of the class and so was I. You thought about how if I were to have sat next to you and slip my fingers into your panties," He mimics his actions with his words, circling his fingers close to my clit. "That I would be able to feel just how wet you were for me. I might be late, but I can assure you that it is just how I imagined it to be." His thumb circles my clit slowly as he looks up at me with a wicked glint in his eyes. "Do you remember what else you imagined then?"

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