03.19 The Festival of Light

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This was the laziest day of all. Saint and I woke up in bed at 13:30.

We had breakfast: a boiled egg each, and some hot chocolate with bread, olive oil and salt. At some point in the conversation, I asked Saint why we never hang at his apartment, and I joked about Vinnie Superbia, his flatmate, disliking me. Saint laughed carelessly and said "that's not it, Vinnie actually thinks you're quite cool. To be honest, I think he likes you". I don't like Vinnie, but when he said that, I wondered if Owen and him had ever talked about me, and what had they said about me. Because Owen and Vinnie are good friends too, and I hooked up with Owen in New Year's, and well, it just crossed my mind if they had ever mentioned me in conversation, and if Owen had brought up having sex with me, and I hope he didn't say any bad things about me or about sex together.

Saint and I went to the sofa.

We were so tired that we were falling asleep again, so we took it to bed and slept more until 5pm. Saint left and Julie called asking if I wanted to join them for the Fire Night.

I showered, had dinner, etc. I left home at 21 and arrived at Luke's at 21:45. We went to his terrace and saw the city on fire, smoke filling everything everywhere.

I remember nice conversations with Eivor, Mac and Rocci talking about memories from this year's Festival of Light.

Then we went downstairs to see the fire from up close.

Julie told me about some Rocci drama with her flatmate as I ate a kebab for €4, and then I told her some of my Rocci "drama" while we ate some hot chocolate and biscuits for €7.

The Rocci "drama" was just remembering the time we made out and slept together in a bed but somehow didn't have sex, which I kind of regret nowadays. Julie and I had fun talking as we watched the friend group do popper and throw fireworks at each other. I remember the conversation, I remember the first day of the Festival, when Julie had told me Rocci was around, being super nervous and excited about seeing Rocci. I told her how happy I was that I wasn't nervous at all, in fact, I don't even think I like Rocci that much anymore, I've just assumed he's a pretty cute guy and that's it, no reason to overthink or be nervous about such things.

Then, most people left, including Julie, and only Rocci, Mac, Mike and I were left.

We decided to take a walk around the city and talk. Once more, I ended up talking to Mac for most of the night, about travelling and career paths. I noticed some good chemistry between us (not sexual, I mean in terms of friendship and general compatibility). Mike asked if i wanted to stay over at Luke's with them and I said ok, thinking it could be fun to have a little sleepover. On our way back, suddenly, Mike got a video call from Archer (his best friend, my ex-boyfriend), who was ringing because it was someone's birthday, which they were celebrating. We all said happy birthday. I heard Archer say "Oh it's Didi!", which made me happy.

Back home, we had a long conversation about favourite things (colour, fishes, plants...) and Van was hilarious, as per usual.

I sat between Mac and Rocci and felt very comfortable between the two of them. Then we all eventually went to sleep and Mac lent me one of his sweaters to sleep in.

I woke up at 10:30 on the couch at Luke's apartment, who was getting ready to leave for work.

Mac and Rocci were also on the living room, and so was Luke. Luke left for work and then I had some of the hot chocolate from last night, as I watched Mac slowly wake up.

He went for coffee and then we talked about dreams, university and languages. We laughed at Rocci's sleeping positions and when we woke up the three of us had silly conversations. Mac went to shower and when he was done we all went to Mike and Van's room to say goodbye. Mike was remote working and Van was studying for university. Mike took a cute picture of us in his computer camera. Then we said bye and Mac and I took the elevator and Rocci walked down the stairs. The three of us said goodbye in the street and I took the underground home.

Bye-bye Festival of Light, it's been a pleasure.

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