20: Broken Window

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[ new username + cover! I was -kaiparker ; I switched to glberts bc idk I think it looks neat and it matches my insta ?? I'm going to do question of the chapter type things at the end of each chapter from now on, so make sure to answer them once you've finished the chapter { they won't all be related to the story ; some will just to get to know yall better } anyways, enjoy! ]


"Where are you going?" Damon asked, watching me shove my charger, and clothes into my bag.

"Our twenty-four hours is up. I'm going home." I stated, folding up my last shirt and putting in into the bag.

"You're just going to leave? We're not going to talk about the kiss?" Damon leaned against the door frame.

"You never seemed like the type to talk about a small kiss. I feel like you'd be the type of guy who'd have sex with a girl, and never speak to her again." I put my bag over my shoulder, as I stood to face Damon. "The kiss didn't mean anything. All it was, was a way to get you off of me. We don't need to talk about something that meant nothing."

I walked out of his room before he spoke again, but once I got to the bottom of the stairs, he was waiting by the front door. "Could you not do that? It's creepy."

"I don't believe you." He stated simply, shrugging slightly.

"Trust me, it is creepy. You're probably used to it by now, but I'm not." I started walking closer to the front door.

Damon shook his head, the smallest smirk on his face. "I don't believe that the kiss meant nothing to you."

"Well, It didn't." I went to reach for the door handle, but he moved so he was covering it with his back. "Will you stop blocking the door? I'd like to go back home."

"It meant something to you. You're heartbeat has been beating fast since you kissed me, and it beats even faster when you say it means nothing, which means your lying." Damon stated, looking at my chest quickly. "It meant something, you just don't want to admit it because you're with Stefan now, and you're scared that he'd leave you again if he found out."

"You're delusional. I have a naturally fast beating heart so that doesn't mean anything. I didn't feel anything." I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Come on, Blair! Just admit it!" Damon yelled, still smirking.

"I have nothing to admit!" I yelled back, only I wasn't enjoying the conversation as much as him.

"Admit it!"

"What do you want me to say, Damon?! That I felt a spark once you kissed me back? That you made my heart nearly beat out of my chest? That I had a billion butterflies attack my stomach? Because I did! I got butterflies, my heart started beating uncontrollably and I felt the same damn spark that i felt when I first kissed Stefan!" I nearly screamed, "but I didn't want to admit it because I know how horrible it is when the person your love likes your sibling. And yes, I am so terribly afraid that Stefan is going to leave me again for Elena, or for some other girl that happens to look similar to Katherine. And I know that he's not going to want to be with me if he knew I kissed his brother, who he despises, and I enjoyed it more than I should have! He would leave me in less than a second if he knew."

I took a deep breath, "so I'm going to go home. And we aren't going to talk about the kiss ever again because I regret it a hell of a lot more than I liked it."

"Alright." Damon smirked again, opening the door for me.

"Alright? That's it?"

"That's it." He continued to smirk, watching me walk out of the boarding house.


I groaned as I climbed out of my car. Elena had just pulled up in front of me. She smiled bigger than usual when she climbed out of her car.

"Hey, B." Elena practically skipped up to me, "how has your day been?"

"Boring. Damon and I drank for a while, but we got in a small fight kind of and i completely lost my tipsiness." I shrugged, standing beside the overly happy Elena.

"What did you guys fight about?" Her smile dimmed down some.

"He thought I was lying about something, which I was, and I don't know. It was a stupid little argument, but I think we're both over it. I hope so, at least."

"What did he think you were lying about?"

"It was nothing, just something stupid." I shrugged again, leaning against my car. "What did you do with Stefan?"

"We went to the grill, and just talked. If I'm being honest, I was kind of being rude for a while, then I thought, what was I getting out of being a bitch? No matter how rude I was, wouldn't change the fact that he's a vampire, or how I felt about him." Elena sighed.

"What did you talk about?" I asked, quietly.

"Me. Him. Us. Our relationship." She stated.

"Which is nonexistent now, right?"

Elena paused for a second, "It's crazy. I went to the grill with every intention of ending everything."

"And you did, right?"

"Why are you so against us getting back together?" She asked, her smile completely gone. "Why can you still be friends with both of them, but I can't be with Stefan?"

"I l-" I paused, "I don't know.. Just go on with the story."

"I went, I was rude, I tried to suggest ending everything, he talked me into staying friends, then he talked me into being more than friends." She shrugged, obviously not wanting to talk anymore.

"You're getting back together?! Are you kidding me?!" I yelled, way louder than I meant to.

"Yep." Elena sighed, "and I don't know why your no longer okay with the two of us, but I don't care. I'm getting back with him weather you like it or not."

"It's... Whatever." I tried to say it nicely, but it came out rude. Elena only shook her head, and started walking towards the house.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed, angrily, punching the back window of my car. I didn't mean to punch it as hard as I did, I definitely didn't mean to shatter the glass, or get a hundred tiny pieces of glass in my hand.

I assumed Elena was already inside when I punched the window, but she wasn't. "What the hell, B?!"

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" I held my bloody fist in my hand.

"You're bleeding." She groaned, "let's go see Stefan. Ill have him give you some blood."


"Then at least let him take out the glass and bandage it. He went to medical school a while back, he can do it." She grabbed my hand and looked it over.

"I don't want Stefan's blood, I don't want Stefan's help. I don't want to see Stefan right now, okay?!" I yelled, "I'll just go see Damon."

"What the hell is your problem?!" Elena dropped my hand, "why do I even bother with you!?"


AN ;; whoop whoop drama in the next chapter. I don't know why I always make Blair get hurt, ahahaa. Hope you guys don't hate this chapter, there will be some Stlair/Blefan in the next chapter. Please vote & comment!

Question ; what are your guys' names + nicknames?
My answer ; I'm Ashelina, Ashley or Smash for short :))

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