First mission

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Y/n's pov:

I was reading the details about our mission. We have to guard the princess traveling to their neighbour land. There can be some thread to her life. There is fifty percent chance for aytack. I packed my bag with all the necessities that I will need. This is a journey, might as well out book for medical herbs. It doesn't hurt to be cautious.

I rested for sometime before taking a shower and eating something. I locked  my door before leaving and arrived at the gates. Aya sensei and ryukki was already there.

"Good morning, guys." I said cheerfully. In response I just got a small 'to you too' from aya sensei and a just a look from ryukki. I sweat drop. I see they are not in a good mood.

"Sorry guys, I'm late." toshi announced his arrival. He was mkre energegic then me. Thatvs the spirit.

"I almost thought you forgot about the mission., you lazy cat." ryukki's remark are quite hard.

"Well I'm not like you, so yoh don't need to worry." toshi replied with a smile. They make a good due.

"I agree with you." aya sensei said from behind me.

"Ohh dis I said that out aloud." I said sheelily rubbing my neck.

"You did. Alright you two stop your nonsense. We will departure now." and there begin my first mission with team moon. I was praying for the best.

We travelled at full speed and arrived in the princess's home land. We were welcomed warmly by them. They said that peincess will be ready in a hour. 

"That's good. Till then we can rest our bodies." aya sesnsei said smilling. The walk here was too much chaotic. My head is hurting and itvs only been three hour. Ryukki and koyuu bicker like wild dogs. Even aya sensei was soo done with them that he didn't tried to stop them. At some point I also didn't have energy to stop them.

We ate some food served bt them and rested a little before leaving the mansion.
The princess walked out and she was really beautifull. The red kimono she was wearing was complimenting her pale skin. She was just like a flower.

Well thatvs good for her. She looked at us and aya sensei did the formalities about introduction. She just smiled and climbed her ride.

We were walking around the carriage, one on each corner. It was going well. But that's not how it is supposed to be. That's really suspicious. It was almost too quite. No sign of birds. that's it, I'll put up my guard. And as expected, the carriage was attacked.

We immediately jumped  into action. I weaved some hand signs and slammed my hands on the ground.

"Wind style: destructive hurricane"  then an wild tornado apleared that swept some attacked and held them in the sky. I pulled out a kunai and blocked the attacker that tried to kill me from behind.

"Don't have the courage to attack from the front?" he was a proffesional killer. If I want an opening, I will have to enrage him.

"I don't take things like you seriously." His voice had venom in it.

"Those who underestimate their enemy are most likely to taste the dust of ground. Don't you agree?" we were still just exchanging blows. He wasnvt giving me an  opening. Neither will I.

"You are talking too much wise words for a brat. But I still won't take you seriously." he was not falling for that. I will have to change the plan.

"You know watching you fight is like watching a dance of confusion and clumsiness. Even a scarecrow has mkre spine then you." his eyes darkened my plan is working.

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