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I always say to live the life
Maybe because theres no second chance
And if there is no second chance then it means theres no other dance
The dance, dance of life

Then whats life
Does it has a purpose
Does death have a purpose?
And what is a purpose?

A purpose its something to give menaing or sense
But what is sense?
Is sense the logical? The obvious?
And why are you so oblivious

Oblivious that i send you small smiles looks glances
Hoping fot chances
Chances of catching you looking at me

But why would you?
Im not special i know that
Im not barbie, blondie, skinny ,
Im not perfect
It's just cause and effect

I eat, cause,
I cry, effect
I have an attitude, cause
I cut, effect

Why am i a teenager?
So goddamn sentimental

Del corazón (spanglish) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora