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The following day you found yourself watching over the boys anxiously. They were calm on the outside, going about cleaning up the camp as they prepared themselves to leave. However you could see they were tense–as if expecting something.

You knew they were waiting for something to happen. After all, they had just robbed both the entire town and some people. It was obvious the city would start to look for the bandits. And it wouldn't be behind them to start searching the woods soon.

They had explained to you in order to avoid an ambush they would have to move camp for a bit. Travel was going to be farther to reach town but it kept all their stuff safe from a raid. It was the best thing to do with the war that was about to start between all of you.

You were cleaning up the dishes and likes, while the boys did the heavy lifting for the most part. Yunho was taking down some tents, when frantic footsteps were heard coming from the woods. The large man immediately stopped, and turned to the sound. His eyebrows pinched together when he noticed a woman running towards him.

As they came into few, Yunho noticed it was your sister looking around wildly and in a panic. "(S/N)?" He questioned, coming up next to her in order to comfort her. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked, placing steady hands on her shoulders to gain her attention.

"Yunho!" She gasped out. "Where's (Y/N)?" She asked, looking behind him to find you.

"Over here." He told her quickly, turning around to lead her towards where you were cleaning up.

"Kitten." You turned around, hearing Yunho call for you.

Your eyebrows immediately furrowed as you placed everything down seeing your sister in a panicked state. "What's going on?" You asked, moving to pull her into a hug as she gasped into your chest.

"It's dad!" She cried out. "He's been taken into custody."

You pulled back from her, looking at her in confusion. "What? Why?" You asked.

"The other night someone robbed city hall of the people's taxes." Your sister began to explain.

You looked up at Yunho for a moment, realizing where things were going at that point. You pressed your lips together, giving your sister your attention again.

"They gave it to those in need of it and the orphanage was one of them." (S/N) continued. "All dad did was defend them but they thought he was one of the people who stole it in the first place."

You glanced down when she placed her hand out, leaving the pouch you had given your family in your hand. Your shoulders dropped as you realized you were at fault for your own father going to jail.

"We don't know who it was but they gave us some. Dad told us you would know where to hide it." (S/N) continued, looking up at you.

You didn't realize where it was things were going to take a turn to. You might have had a rough last couple of months with your father but no matter he was still your father. You knew he loved you and was just trying to look out for you. Even if his words stung more than you could ever think about, in the end he was only worried about what others might say.

Your mind was running 100 miles a minute, trying to come up with a solution on what to do. However you let out a deep breath, calming yourself down for a moment. You were someone who knew what they wanted to do. You couldn't think of anything without a calm mind.

"Just leave it here." You told your sister, giving her the bag back." I'm sure the boys will keep it safe." After you got her to calm down, you turned her around, making her take a seat.

"What about your father?" Yunho asked, after you stood back from your sister.

You turned to him, a sigh leaving your lips as you looked at him with a determined stare. "We have to go get him."

You didn't ask the other boys for help, only allowing Yunho to go along with you towards the jail where your father was being held. You felt anger rise in your body the moment you walked through the familiar building. You tried not to make faces at the bypassers but it was hard when all you had in mind was taking down the people who made you come in the first place.

No one dared to question what you were doing there seeing as you walked with conviction. The moment you saw the cells and your father sitting on the bench, you rushed over with Yunho following behind.

"Dad!?" You called, pushing your hands through the bars as he stood up to meet you there. "What's going on? Why are you in here?" You asked, searching his face to see if he was injured.

"I'm going to go ask about it." Yunho softly gripped your waist, before letting go to find some information.

"Just forget about it." Your dad called out to Yunho. "The others are suspicious of you and Jongho. They think you're crooked cops."

Yunho furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?" He asked, coming to stand next to you to listen better.

"Someone stole all the money from city hall and gave it to people in need." Your dad explained.

You purse your lips, the guilty feeling eating you up once more. Yunho took notice of your anxiousness, so he looked down at you in worry. Your father took notice of his look, quickly looking down and away from the both of you.

"But what does that have to do with Yunho and Jongho?" You asked, not noticing the looks either of them had. "They can't honestly be blaming them."

"I don't know anymore." Your father shook his head. "They won't tell me what they plan on doing."

"We have to find a way to get you out of here." Yunho spoke up, looking at your father.

"(Y/N), you have to go with the boys and leave." Your father finally told you. "They'll take you in again if they find you've been with them."

You began to frown as you realized your dad was going to allow himself to stay in the cell."I can't leave you here, dad." You shook your head.

"Please!" Your father demanded. "Keep your family safe." He glanced up at Yunho for a moment.

"Dad." You spoke softly, trying to convey that you wanted to fix things.

"I see you're back in town." Both of you turn around at the voice, coming face to face with Hendricks.

Your lips turned up in a sneer, jaw locking in anger as you looked at him. Yunho placed his arm in front of you, keeping you back from swinging at the man. If the last couple of fights you had all been in, Yunho knew that you wouldn't hesitate to swing at someone bigger than you.

"Got more criminals to sleep with?" Hendricks asked you.

"Shut your mouth!" Yunho growled, taking a step forward but was held back by you.

"Watch your tongue." Hendricks sneered. "I can put you in jail."

"Under what crime?" Yunho demanded.

"Conspiracy for thievery." Hendricks shrugged.

"That's a bullshit lie and you know it." Yunho called out, glaring at the man in front of you.

"Then leave my town." Hendricks returned back. "And never come back."

"Enough." You shouted, getting both men to look at you.

You had a deadly look in your eye that made Yunho shiver, mouth opening just a bit. His eyes were wide as he took in your stance and deadly glare. He pursed his lips, trying not to smile as he took you in.

"Come on, Yunho." You gave Hendricks a deadly stare. "We have to find a way to get dad out."

The man nodded his head, following behind you as you began to strut out of the building. He bumped shoulders with Hendricks on the way out, huffing out in warning. By the time he had caught up to you, you had already stomped your way out into the street.

And like a lost puppy happy to follow his owner, Yunho smiled brightly as he rushed to catch up. 

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