Fight or Flight

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In the dimly lit room stood siyad ali, surrounded by shadow sapians moving around him while the water from the rain was leaking in, Siyad ali stood bewildered, Thunder clashed, Siyad ali with a thought attacked the shadow sapian in front of him, Putting all his strength to his hand, The glove glowing green, The shadow sapian jumps and clings to the wall

Creepy sounds starts emenating from them, Siyad ali didn't knew why it wasn't attacking or running away "Is it because of the rain?, I guess he isn't attacking me because I can turn him back but the reason he isn't escaping is probably because of the rain"

The air was alive with the sound of raindrops tapping against the pavement, creating a soothing melody that filled with an enchanting rhythm.

Siyad Ali lunged forward with determination, his movements swift and purposeful as he aimed to strike the shadow sapians surrounding him. Each punch he threw was met with an agile dodge from the elusive creatures, their dark forms moving with uncanny speed and precision.

Despite the frustration mounting within him, Siyad Ali refused to yield. "I can't give up," he muttered through gritted teeth, his voice tinged with determination. With every ounce of strength he possessed, he continued to press forward, his mind focused solely on the task at hand.

As the shadow sapians danced around him, Siyad Ali's senses heightened, his awareness honed to a razor's edge. He studied their movements with keen observation, searching for any pattern or vulnerability he could exploit.

Siyad Ali battled amidst the domain of the shadow sapians, frustration dawned at him. Despite his best efforts, he found no openings, no weaknesses to exploit in his adversaries. Each strike he launched was met with a mocking evasion, the shadow sapians seemingly invincible in their fluid movements.

Their eerie sounds echoed through the air, a sinister symphony that taunted Siyad Ali with every passing moment. With each dodge, each evasive maneuver, they seemed to grow stronger, their confidence bolstered by his inability to land a telling blow.

Try as he might, Siyad Ali's punches grew increasingly feeble, his strength waning with each passing moment. His movements, once swift and decisive, slowed to a sluggish pace as fatigue began to take its toll.

In the face of overwhelming odds, Siyad Ali fought on, his determination unwavering even as his body protested against the relentless onslaught. But as his punches lost their power and his movements became sluggish, he realized the futility of his efforts. Defeat loomed on the horizon, a bitter realization that threatened to crush his spirit.

Siyad Ali weighed his options. "Well, it's time for plan B, I guess," he muttered to himself, taking a deep breath as he thought of his next move. After a deep thought, he nodded to himself, clear in his gaze. "Now, as for plan B, it is to RUN."

With urgency, Siyad Ali dashed towards the exit, his heart pounding in his chest as he felt the shadow sapian's presence right behind him. he raced towards safety.

As he reached the door, his hand fumbled for the handle, his fingers trembling with fear and dedication. With a swift motion, he pulled the door shut, the sound of it slamming shut echoing through.

But victory was not yet assured. As Siyad Ali turned to flee from the supermarket and exited, his foot caught on a stray object, sending him tumbling to the ground. He fell in a puddle, panic threatened to overwhelm him, but he refused to succumb. He pushed himself up, ignoring the pain shooting through his limbs as he got a sprained ankle.

Siyad Ali managed to close the door, sealing off his friends who became shadow sapian. Breathing heavily, he leaned against the door, relief flooding through him as he realized he had narrowly escaped danger.

As Siyad Ali finally came to a stop after escaping the supermarket, his chest heaved with exertion, each breath coming in ragged gasps as if he had been deprived of air for far too long. His heart thundered in his chest, its relentless pounding echoing in his ears, a rhythmic reminder of the adrenaline-fueled sprint that had just saved him from danger.

Sweat dripped from his brow, mingling with the mud and grime of the road as it trickled down his face in rivulets. His clothes clung to his body, soaked through by the relentless rain that had battered him throughout his frantic escape. Muddy streaks adorned his skin, evidence of the moment when he had stumbled and fallen into a puddle, his footing lost amidst the chaos of the chase.

His muscles trembled with exhaustion, protesting against the intense exertion they had endured. Every step had been a battle, every breath a struggle against the oppressive weight of fear and fatigue. But despite the burning ache in his limbs and the relentless drumming of his heart, Siyad Ali couldn't help but feel a surge of exhilaration coursing through his veins.

As Siyad Ali lay on the ground, his ankle throbbing with pain from the fall, Every movement sent waves of agony shooting up his leg, each step now a torturous ordeal. He gritted his teeth against the pain, trying to push through it, but the sharp ache persisted, a constant reminder of his vulnerability.

With each attempt to stand, his ankle protested, sending jolts of discomfort through his body. He cursed inwardly, feeling a surge of anger at his own clumsiness and the unfortunate twist of fate that had led to his injury. The rain continued to fall, adding to his discomfort as the cold water seeped through his clothes, chilling him to the bone.

As Siyad Ali lay there, his body battered and bruised, he felt a strange sensation coursing through him. At first, it was just a faint tingling, barely perceptible against the backdrop of pain that enveloped him. But then, slowly but surely, the sensation grew stronger, spreading from his injured ankle to engulf his entire body.

With a sudden burst of intensity, the tingling sensation intensified, surging through his veins like wildfire. Siyad Ali watched in amazement as the green glow of the glove on his hand began to spread, creeping up his arm and enveloping his entire body in a shimmering red light.

As the red glow washed over him, Siyad Ali felt a wave of warmth flood his senses, banishing the pain and discomfort that had plagued him moments before. It was as if the light itself was healing him, soothing his battered body and restoring him to full strength.

With each passing moment, the pain ebbed away, replaced by a newfound sense of vitality and energy. Siyad Ali could feel the injuries fading, the bruises disappearing as if they had never been. It was a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced, a feeling of renewal and rejuvenation that filled him with awe.

But it wasn't just his physical injuries that were being healed. As the red light bathed him in its soothing glow, Siyad Ali felt a sense of clarity wash over him, his mind clearing of all doubts and fears.

With a renewed sense of strength and resolve, Siyad Ali rose to his feet, the red light still shimmering around him like a protective aura. He knew that he had been given a second chance, a chance to make a difference in the world and to stand against the forces of darkness that threatened to consume it.

"I have to find the others" He stood up wearing his red suit



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