Chapter 37: Team Forrest

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Around the palace things have proven to be eventful. There were no parties or anything concerning a celebration. The palace was storming with royal advisors and strategists. The entire life-force that keeps this palace alive was focused toward rescuing King Everette. I just hope they hurry up. The clock on the King's life seemed to be ticking and no one could stop time. 

Today I decided to go visit Romeo, considering he was bedridden at the hospital wing. Prince Romeo proved himself to be irritating but nonetheless I enjoyed his company. He also saved Elise's life or at least saved her from being in the same position as he was. 

I knock on the private room Prince Romeo was staying in and got a mumbled 'go ahead' in return. I slip into the room quietly and close the door gently behind me. 

"I'm not sleeping," He chuckles. "You don't have to be silent."

I look over to smile at him but I can't bring myself to do it. His right eye was bruised and an ugly shade of purple, his forehead had a bandage wrapped all the way around, and his entire right arm was as well wrapped with a bandage. 

"Hey now, don't look at me like that." Romeo gives me one of his signature smirks. "This is a mere flesh wound."

I sigh and pull up a chair to sit by his bedside. "Don't joke around, Prince Romeo. This is serious."

His smile disappears as he stares at the far wall. "What do you want me to do? Act depressed? Maybe cry a little? I have done enough crying and that's not going to give me my leg back or heal the rest of my wounds quicker."

"I'm sorry," I say honestly. "You're right."

Romeo laughs a little bitterly. "Aren't you going to ask how I'm doing? I've been getting that question a lot." 

I frown. "Of course not. Why would I ask a question I already know the answer to?" 

He glances back over to me with a grin. "Always so literal, but that's refreshing. So why have you decided to grace me with your presence?" 

I lean back in my chair and cross my arms. "I came to visit you. I'm not going to pretend to know what it's like for you right now, but when I got shot I was extremely bored." 

Romeo looks at me for a couple moments before speaking again. "I forgot about that. Even though I wasn't here Forrest told me what happened."

"He did?" I ask, confused. "Why would he do that?" 

Romeo laughs softly but then cringes soon after. "You are blind in ways you hate to admit to yourself, Cordelia."

"What happened to calling me Lady Cordelia. Didn't you have to follow-"

"Screw that." Romeo cuts me off before I finish. "I have a missing leg and several 'flesh wounds'." He jokes. "I don't give a crap about the 'order' i'm supposed to follow." He then focuses his attention back on me. "The only reason you came here was to keep me company?" Romeo raises an eyebrow. 

A ghost of a smile spreads across my lips. "As much as I hate to admit it, I've grown to remotely care about you. I was worried." 

Romeo grins once again. "Be careful Cordelia or you'll be canned. If I didn't know better I would say you were trying to make a move on me." 

I roll my eyes. "I would throw something at you but I don't want to break you anymore then the state you remain in." 

Romeo closes his eyes then opens them slowly. "That is my way of shrugging. But I am not broken I am just temporarily out of commission." he grins sadly. 

The both of us just continued to talk about random things. It wasn't until we hit the forty minute mark I realized how lonely Romeo had been. Sure Elise was coming by whenever she could, but she still had to work. Forrest and Harlan I'm sure came by, but with their Dad being kidnapped they had to focus on that. So when I left his room after an hour of talking and goofing off, I swore to myself I would make these visits daily. 

Because no one deserves to be alone while they're in pain. 


It was time. The time where each girl in this room had to choose if they were going to fight for Harlan or for Forrest. I thought it was pretty obvious already. Shannon and I were going to fight for Harlan, while Octavia and Taylor were going to be on Team Forrest. 

I wasn't exactly sure how this all went down and that emotion of being out of control was one I did not like. I didn't like feeling nervous and anxious. It wasn't my style. 

"Ladies," Queen Hero approached us and her tone sounded colder than it usually did. I couldn't blame her. She had the weight of... Basically everything on her shoulders. "Today you will choose which of my sons you want to officially fight for. I admit this did not go as we had originally planned because of certain circumstances, but here we are." She folds her hands in front of her, not exactly looking at us. It was like she was looking straight through us. "If there is going to be three of you fighting for one of my sons and only one fighting for the other, that does in no cases mean you are going to become a princess. You will win over his love just like any other selection it's just there are no other girls around to do the same. Understood?" 

We all nodded, not risking to speak or ask questions. Not that I personally had any questions but Shannon looked like she was going to explode. Shannon always had an issue with asking too many questions.

"Now, I will hand this event over to Nadia's hands." Queen Hero says. "All you girls have to do is go into the woman's room, say a name, and walk out. Later tonight on The Report we will announce the results and assign you girls your first task to prove how worthy you are at not only marrying one of my sons but becoming the next queen and princesses of Illéa. Am I understood?" 

We nod once again, Shannon about to spontaneously combust with a question I would have to deal with later. 

Queen Hero motioned us to get in line alphabetically. I did my part by just going last. After all, I didn't have a last name. 

The double doors opened to the Woman's room and Taylor entered. I could see the flash of a purple dress and brown hair right before the door closed. 

Just as quickly as Taylor entered she exited. The death glare she shot me was the only hint I needed to know which prince she chose. Not that it was a question. 

Shannon went in next. Her nervous jumping was nothing knew as she hopped along into the room where Nadia was waiting for her. Just like Taylor, it didn't take her that much time to choose. 

Octavia went and took a little longer than I expected, but nonetheless she was out of the room pretty quickly. Now it was my turn. I wasn't going to take a deep breath or talk to myself to encourage myself. I already knew my choice. My choice was clear the moment I had those conversations with the princes.

I entered through the double doors, Nadia waiting for me. Straying from plans are okay, I realized.

Just as long as you find your way back to the original goal. 

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