1 | New Beginnings

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A/N: This is not a lot of action included, if you can call anything in this chapter "action". Everything needs a starting point, so soon enough this will gain traction, but how soon? Who knows? (I do teehee)

Word count: 3169.


Kids located at an orphanage. Grace Field House Orphanage, a place where kids comfortably lived until they were adopted. Or that's what was thought. Emma, Ray, and Norman; the oldest three among 38 kids in Grace Field had discovered the horrifying death of their younger sister, Conny. Emma had decided and set her mind on setting everyone free, Norman, willing to help her on her near impossible plan. Ray doubted Emma well, knowing that to bring everyone along would cause the death of them all.

It was another ordinary day, the sun was shining, it was mid fall, but yet the sun kissed the kids' cheeks, with a cool breeze balancing the temperature down to something tolerable.

Wind had also brought news around the orphanage of someone special arriving, and the first to know was Emma; like always. Enthusiastic and bubbly, Emma had loved her siblings like her own, although not biologically related, everyone was considered family to each other. Although Mama had asked Emma to hush down, she just couldn't contain the news to herself.

"Ray! Ray!" Emma shouted as she burst into the library, Ray was seated comfortably on the second floor of the library, his nose buried deep into a book about animals in the human world.

"Hm, Emma? What do you need this time.." Ray sighed out, he didn't stop to look up at her, nor did he even stop reading. He awaited something stupid, like a dream she had the night previous, and had now just remembered.

Emma walked closer, climbing up the ladder just enough so her head popped up to look at Ray and pout; him not giving her his undivided attention.

"Did you hear the news?" Emma spilled with excitement. Her orange hair popped out vibrantly in the brown Library, as well as her bright emerald eyes.

"What?" The ravanette sighed, closing his book with a slam as he looked up at Emma. Her excitement seemed different, the boy could tell whether it was something actually worth knowing.

"We're getting a new sibling!" She threw her hands up in the air in excitement, hoping to share her enthusiasm with him, or at least rub some of her energy off at him. She teetered on the ladder before she put her hands down to keep herself from falling backwards.

"Oh, yeah. I heard." He simply said, it was hard for news not to go around here. The little kids spread word like wildfire, though he didn't know if the news was real or not, Isabella had not told him of this the night previous.

"Oh, how did you know? I didn't tell you.." Emma sighed as she climbed all the way and stood up, hovering over Ray.

"The other kids told me, but I didn't know you told them of the information. I should've known, you can never keep your mouth shut." Ray spoke, opening his book again and continuing to read.

"Why aren't you excited? It's a new sibling we get to have!" Emma crossed her arms, she was stubborn and would be willing to do anything just to get a reaction out of Ray.

"A new person, it means a new person we have to take during our escape, and it makes everything harder. Especially a baby, you know I'm still not adamant on taking everyone along." He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing.

"Nope. No can do, I can't allow our escape cost the lives of our siblings. We all have to go. And a new person means we could get information!" Emma always seemed to try and get the positive side out of anything, but Ray could only wave her away.

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