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It was a week after Hogwarts started, and Draco had gone back to keep tabs on things for them. Tom and Asura were staying at Riddle Manor, though they went to Malfoy Manor every day because someone wanted to see Lucius.

Currently, Tom was in the office with the inner circle, and that was where Asura was heading. He entered the office dramatically, causing the occupants to turn and look at him. He could feel Bellatrix glaring at him as he walked towards Tom and sat in the chair beside him.

"What are you planning?" Asura asked, leaning on Tom while his eye was trained on Lucius.

"We received a letter from Draco last night," Lucius said, "He said the light is attacking like everything is normal; Dumbledore made an announcement, telling the students that Harry Potter has gone to a 'secure location' to be more prepared for our Lord," He said, and Bellatrix scoffed.

"Like that brat could defeat our Lord," She hissed, and Asura turned his eyes to her.

"Be careful what comes out of your mouth next," he said lazily before looking back at Lucius. "I can for a fact confirm to you that Harry Potter is not in a 'secure location to be more prepared,'" he said.

Suddenly, a flapping sound was heard, and they all looked up to see an official owl flapping in through the window. It landed next to Lucius, and a letter dropped on his lap before flapping over to Asura and landing on his head.

Lucius opened the letter and read it before quickly jumping up and rushing out of the room. Asura frowned; removing himself from Tom's side, he walked over to the letter and picked it up. "Draco has been shot with cutting hex and is in the hospital wing," He said, handing the letter to Tom. "I'll be back in a few," He said before disappearing.

Asura appeared in the shadows of the medi-wing at Hogwarts just as Lucius burst through the door, followed by Dumbledore. "Draco," Lucius exclaimed as he rushed over to the bed and looked down at the pale boy on the bed. "What happened to him?" The older blonde asked.

"He had an encounter with Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger," Dumbledore said, and Asura frowned. "He seemed to have provoked them, and they retaliated," Dumbledore finished.

Asura rolled his eyes and pressed his hand against the wall. "Show me the memory," He said, and magic flowed through him, and the memory of what happened flowed through his mind.

Draco stood in the hall by the library, talking to Blaise and another Slytherin. Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and Draco yelped in pain and collapsed to the floor as Weasley laughed and Granger smirked.

Asura pulled out of the memory and looked over at Lucius, who was talking to Madame Pomfrey. "Dumbledore," the ravenette said, stepping out of the shadows and causing all three heads in the room to turn to him. "I hope you will take action against the children who did this to young Malfoy," he said in an almost taunting voice.

"Now, now, mister..." Dumbledore began, pausing and waiting for Asura to offer his name. When he didn't and just stared at him, he continued. "I'm sure it was a simple misunderstanding," he said, and Asura hummed.

He walked over and ran a hand over Draco before looking up at Lucius. "He'll be up in a few minutes," He said before calmly looking around the room. He walked back towards his shadow and stepped in, stepping out again into the library directly across from Hermoine and Ron sitting. "As Lord Hogwarts, I hereby suspend Hermoine Granger and Ronald Weasley from the premises of the school for a month; so mote is it," He said, feeling the magic flow around him in confirmation and watched as the two students disappeared.

Satisfied, he stepped out of the shadows and walked out of the library. He walked down the hall, his hands in his pocket, not really paying attention to where he was going.

He was about to turn a corner when he bummed into a black mass. Stepping back, he looked up into dark onyx eyes and smirked, his second mate. "Well, hello there," He said, and Snape looked down at him with a blank face.

"Who are you?" Snape asked as his eyes roamed up and down Asura's body before going up to meet his eyes. "Asura, I'm sure Tom told you about me," The smaller male said, and Severus hummed,

"Indeed, he has," he said, "Why are you here?" He asked, raising a brow at the shorter.

"I am here because Draco had a run-in with Granger and Weasley. He is in the medi-wing now," Asura said. Severus quickly moved past him, and the red-orange-eyed male turned to follow him.

They made it to the medi-wing, and Severus burst open the door and went in, making his way over to Draco, who was now awake but still lying down. "Uncle Sev," Draco called as he saw the man.

While Severus was busy asking questions, Lucius came over to him. "Thank you for helping Draco," he said, a small, almost invisible smile on his lips.

Asura leaned forward and kissed his cheek before pulling back. "It was no problem at all," he said. He looked over at Severus and Draco before he disappeared into a puff of smoke. He appeared in Tom's office, sitting on the chair in front of his desk.

"I have a question," he said, and Tom looked up at him. "You know how I explained to you about my mates?" he asked, and Tom nodded again. He and Azrael had been teaching Tom all they could about themselves and their magic.

"Did you find one?" Tom asked, and Asura shook his head.

"I found two, Lucius and Severus," he said, and Tom looked at him wide-eyed. "I know they have a history, but I don't know much about it." He said. Tom stood from his chair and moved around his desk, sitting in the chair next to him.

"Are you going to tell them?' He asked Asura. "If you want my opinion, I think you should tell them both. Severus has had a crush on Lucius since they met, and Lucius is well-thought-out about being with him, but his marriage to Narcissa was arranged before he even knew about it. I think you should be honest with them from the start, tell them they are your mates, and that if they mate you, then they will be mated to each other as well; just lay it out and make it clear," Tom said, patting his head, and Asura pouted as his hair was messed up. 


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Word count: 1103

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 10:30 am

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