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Jackson POV

We were in damage control mode. After the incident on the street outside the restaurant, I had paid the bill and Seungmin and I had hurried back to my place to try and figure out what the hell to do about the crazed fan. I was on the phone off and on with my agent and my manager. Yun may be pissed about my dating preferences- but he was good at his job. Adam had trailed along after us when I told him what happened- there for moral support and advice. Kira was along because Seungmin had taken a liking to her and I was too shocked to refuse his wishes.

Adam flitted around my apartment, bringing drinks and snacks and asking repeatedly if I was okay- if Seungmin was okay. Kira busied herself scrolling social media- checking every single possible fan page she could find. Minnie was scrunched up in the chair next to my couch- his eyes big and worried. I paced back and forth- on the phone, waiting for calls back, concerned. "Fucking fix this, Yun. I yelled into the phone, ending the call and swatting a pile of papers onto the floor in frustration.

"Here." Drink this, it will calm you down." Adam ordered, handing me a rock glass. It looked like whiskey and I smiled appreciatively at him. "I gave me a look full of judgement.

"Thanks man."

He placed a beer in Seungmin's hand- who looked like he was in a daze. "Drink up, Sweetcheeks." Adam cooed, tilting his chin up to him, making my boyfriend smile cutely.

"I'm not finding anything unusual, yet." Kira announced from her spot on the couch. I'll keep an eye on the major ones. Obviously any gossip sites will take a bit more time. But if girly posts on her personal social it could be any moment." She explained, doing her best to remain calm and use a soothing tone.

I nodded, sighing. I checked the time again. It was after 10pm, there couldn't possibly be any news until morning unless the girl did it on her own.

"But she definitely recognized you?" Adam clarified, taking the spot next to Kira.

"Yeah- that's why I turned." I said. Seungmin unfolded his legs, sitting normally. He looked at me, pleading and I went to him- sinking onto his lap. He was in some ways, larger than I was, and I decided I like sitting like that- especially when he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him tightly.

"But she didn't know him?" Adam gestured to Seungmin.

"I don't think so. I had a hat... and my hair is different that usual." Seungmin piped up. "But if she did..." he trailed off, thinking.

It was quiet while we all thought about that.

"So- what would be wrong if she knew who you were, Sweetcheeks?" Adam asked candidly. "I mean. I get it. I know who you are now, but when I first saw you, I didn't put two and two together... and yeah it was the hair. You literally could be anybody- well not anybody, you're way to hot to be a rando." He rambled "But we could spin it as Jackson's mysterious gay lover."

"Fuck, Adam!" I scolded, nearly choking on my drink.

"Well- I mean, I'll have to see the pictures for proof, but anyone can tell you two are fucking. The body language, the tension... its so..." he made a circular flourish of his hand in our direction. "Mmm." He finished; his eyebrows raised.

"I know, so cute, right?" Kira giggled conspiratorially. "I mean ugh." She threw in.

"Great. Now that I know we are 'mmm' and 'ugh' I can rest easy. I said sarcastically. "This could really fuck things up." I lamented, rising to my feet again, intent to keep pacing my agitation away. I finished my drink in one swallow, placing the empty glass on the coffee table.

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