Chapter 4

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With the Oni finally gone, the three nopperabou came in and led her to another room, again decorated in rose hues, with dark wood accents and olive-gold floors. In the center lay a soft, inviting futon meant for two. Kagome's cheeks blazed red-hot with anger and shame. To think that Oni had the audacity to entertain the thought that they would be sharing a bed after kidnapping her and announcing her his bride.

Alone once more, Kagome slumped to the futon, mentally and physically exhausted. She wanted nothing more than to sleep, but her mind was too busy. Opening the sliding window screen, she sat staring at the glowing ships that sailed across the night sky.

It was beautiful.

As Kagome sat staring at the glowing ships that sailed across the night sky, she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe. The ships were unlike anything she had ever seen, with their sleek designs and bright colors illuminating the darkness. She couldn't even begin to fathom how they stayed afloat in the air.

But as beautiful as they were, Kagome couldn't fully appreciate them in her current situation. She was still trapped in this strange world, kidnapped by an oni and now supposedly his bride. It was all too surreal.

With a sigh, Kagome leaned against the soft futon and closed her eyes. She needed to rest, both physically and mentally. Dwelling on her situation would only drive her crazy.

Soon enough, she drifted off into a deep sleep.

When she woke up, it was with a sudden jolt of alertness. Her heart raced as she took in the foreign darkness. It took a moment to calm herself and focus on the strange aura approaching her room.

Pushing open the shoji doors, Kagome came face to face with a kitsune. In the darkness of the hall stood what appeared to be a young silver kitsune, but by the large number of bushy silver tails, Kagome doubted that the kitsune was as young as he appeared. A blue flame hovered above his head.

"And who might you be?" Kagome asked.

He gave a nervous laugh, holding up the tray of inari. "I'm currently the young master for Tenjinya: Ginji. I didn't mean to wake you, but I thought you might be hungry; please don't tell Lord Oodanna."

Kagome eyed him and then the food. She hadn't eaten since breakfast.

"It's not poisoned, I promise."

Her stomach answered for her, growling loudly. With glowing cheeks, Kagome opened the door wider. "Why don't you join me, Master Ginji?"

He bowed his head as he entered, setting the trey upon the low table.

Kagome gave a pleased hum as she bit into the inari sushi. It was simple, with a moderate sweetness from the sushi rice that complimented the sweet fried tofu. "I'm guessing you were the kitsune I saw in the council room?" Kagome asked after a bite.

"Yes," He smiled. "I would expect nothing less from Lord Shiro's granddaughter."

"Is this your preferred form?" Kagome asked, eyeing his child-like appearance. Her heart clenched. Despite looking nothing like Shippo, a pang sounded in her heart. His very presence filled her with longing for her friend.

"Isn't this cuter?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "I thought if I appeared as myself, I might startle you, Lady Kagome," A mischievous glint gleamed in his eyes, his youki rising in smoky tendrils. "Or would you prefer me as a woman?" With a loud puff of smoke, the kitsune transformed from its small, child-like form into a stunning vixen dressed in an elegant white and winter blue kimono. Ginji looked like the most beautiful geisha ever to exist. Their long hair was of the purest white, and her fur shone in the light, giving her an ethereal and mysterious glow. "Is this more to your liking, Lady Kagome?" his voice was now a soft melody of dulcet tones.

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