Chapter 8: Enemy Or Friend?

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A Dark shadow slowly emerged from the depths of the dimly lit cave, growing bigger by the second. It had seemingly huge hands, or were they legs?

Jasper's breath caught in his throat- Was this the end? How strong was this beast? Will he be able to take away Willow from his tormentor? "No, I can't let these thoughts hinder between my fight with this beast. I will NOT, come home empty hande-"Jasper's train of thoughts was rudely disrupted by a menacing growl. This was it, it was time to fight.

With a spear each in Auric's and Jasper's hands, they got into position, their weapons above their head, Willow was wincing in fear, his tail tucked under him and backing as close to the bars of the cage.

Just as Jasper and Auric braced themselves for the impending battle, a sudden movement caught their attention. From the huge shadows emerged a smaller figure, bounding toward them with playful energy. It was a creature, they'd never seen before, its fur as the cavern walls and eyes that sparkled with curiosity rather than malice.

The beast's movements were awkward yet endearing as it hopped around, testing its newfound ability to screech and growl. Its attempts at intimidation were comically ineffective, and instead, it emitted high-pitched squeaks that sounded more like playful chirps.

Jasper and Auric exchanged puzzled glances, momentarily forgetting their fear as they watched the creature's antics. Willow, sensing the change in atmosphere, cautiously approached the bars of his cage, his curiosity piqued. The creature tilted its head to the side in a gesture of curiosity. With a mischievous twinkle in its eyes, it slowly approached the boys.

Auric lowered his spear, aggression melting away in the face of the creature's innocence. Jasper followed suit.

With caution, Jasper extended a hand toward the creature, offering a silent invitation to bridge the gap between them. And as it nuzzled against his palm with a soft purr, relief overwhelmed him. Just then, large footsteps shook the ground. The sound reverberated within the irregular walls of the cave. A larger beast emerged. It looked like the gentle creature next to them, assuming it was its mother. The boys backed away, not wanting to cause or send any wrong message to the creature but to their relief, the beast did not think of them as a threat.

"Do they speak English too?" Jasper whispered.

"Yes, we do, children," Said the gentle giant

"Well in that case, who are you and why is my best friend being held captive by such a seemingly kind creature like you?"

As the mother creature gazed upon Jasper and Auric with a mix of understanding and regret, she began to recount the events that led to Willow's captivity.

"I am Lumina, a Cavern Guardian, and this is my son, Pip. It was my young one's curiosity that led him into the forest," she explained, her voice tinged with remorse. "He was running around far from home when he stumbled upon your house. He noticed the fence and decided to break through it only to see your beautiful backyard and your dear companion, Willow. He was so curious and ventured closer, unaware of the consequences of his actions."

Jasper listened intently, his heart heavy with a mix of sympathy and concern for both Willow and the creatures before him.

"When Willow noticed our young one approaching, he barked in alarm," the mother continued, her voice growing softer. "Frightened by this sudden noise, Pip acted out of instinct and took Willow away from your home."

A pang of guilt washed over Jasper as he realized that Willow's captivity was the result of a simple misunderstanding fueled by curiosity and fear.

"And why was Willow caged?" Jasper asked, his voice trembling with emotion.

The Lumina's gaze softened, her head hanging down in shame with eyes filled with regret as she spoke,

"Seeing your companion's reaction to our Pip's approach, I was afraid he might pose a threat to us," she confessed. "In my haste to protect him, I made the decision to cage Willow, not realizing the pain it would cause you both."

Jasper's heart ached, but he also felt a glimmer of understanding. In the face of danger and uncertainty, she had acted out of instinct to protect her own, much like he would for Willow.

Jasper bolted towards the cage, in deep anguish, using his strength to pry the lock open but to no avail, it wouldn't budge. Lumina hurried to the cage, assisting with the unlocking of the cage. He crawled in as soon as it opened, desperate to reunite with his best friend. As he cradled Willow in his arms, his heart sank at the sight of the bite marks hidden among Willow's now matted dull fur. Gently inspecting the wounds, Jasper felt a surge of concern wash over him, knowing that Willow must have endured considerable distress during his captivity. Willow winced in pain, tears welled up in his eyes from what he went through.

Memories of trauma of being held in the mouth of an unknown creature, being thrown into a cage and growled at, were flooding his mind, whimpering in fear as he barely trusted those gentle giants. To him, they little creature was a monster, to Jasper and Auric, it was just Pip's misunderstanding and fear. A flicker of frustration stirred within Jasper, gradually kindling into a subdued anger in his body, his muscles tensing as he clenched his fist. Auric saw this and managed to calm him down. "Instead of fighting with a baby cavern Guardian, why not we accept their offer to give us a ride back home? They are extremely swift and agile creatures you know," Auric offered. While Jasper was reuniting with Willow, Lumina had given this offer to Auric, to which he had already agreed to instantly.

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